Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sunday Stealing

15 things that make you smile

A. (1) My husband, (2) my brother, (3) my friends, (4) playing my guitar, (5) reading a good book, (6) hearing a good song, (7) seeing a sunset, (8) watching the moon rise, (9) sitting in the dark looking for shooting stars, (10) watching the deer play in the front yard, (11) an unexpected gift, (12) chocolate, (13) an unexpected visit or phone call, (14) writing something that comes out well, (15) having someone else cook.

14 things that make you frown

A. (1) Seeing the face of the former guy in my news feed, (2) hearing bad news about somebody, (3) losing something, (4) not finding the foods I'm looking for in the grocery store, (5) having to cook dinner AGAIN, (6) missing a show I want to watch, (7) not exercising like I had planned to, (8) missing a note/chord when I'm playing guitar, (9) not writing, (10) my husband tracking in dirt, (11) my current governor, (12) missing a phone call from someone I want to talk to, (13) cold weather in springtime, (14) missing a good shot when I'm taking photographs. 

13 things you see every day

A. (1) My husband, (2) my computer, (3) the Blue Ridge Mountains, (4) deer, (5) the shed, (6) the shower, (7) my medications, (8) my guitars, (9) clocks, (10) my calendar, (11) my phone, (12), my desk, (13) my glass of water.

12 things you have always wanted to try

A. (1) Going to Egypt to see the pyramids, (2) getting my Ph.D., (3) writing a book, (4) taking a cruise, (5) learning pottery, (6) walking around the world, (7) being a geologist, (8) being an archeologist, (9) playing on stage in front of 10,000 people, (10) being an astronaut and going into space, (11) acting, (12) learning to speak so I don't sound so "southern."

11 objects that mean a lot to you

A. (1) My watch, (2) my glasses, (3) my computer, (4) my Kindle, (5) my books, (6) my guitars, (7), my cameras, (8) my work hidden in the filing cabinet, (9) the journals that have my poetry published in them, (10) my blog (is that an object?), (11) my phone.

10 places you have been

A. (1) Myrtle Beach, SC, (2) Charleston, SC, (3) Williamsburg, VA, (4) Virginia Beach, VA, (5) Pocono, PA, (6) New York City, (7) Madrid, Spain, (8) Paris, France, (9) California (multiple cities), (10) Florida (Go Disney!)

9 of your favorite foods

A. (1) Baked Lays Potato Chips, (2) Watermelon, (3) chocolate (though I can't eat it much anymore), (4) eggs, (5) meatloaf, (6), chicken, (7), peas, (8) salad, (9) blueberries.

8 things you would rather be doing

A. (1) sleeping, (2) walking, (3) taking pictures, (4) driving, (5) reading, (6) playing a video game, (7) holding hands with my husband, (8) talking to a friend.

7 things you would take to a deserted island

A. (1) My glasses, (2) a big roll of duct tape, (3) a variety of seeds, (4) a big cook pot, (5) a solar powered radio/battery charger thing, (6) my kindle full of unread books, (7) a sleeping mat.

6 things you wish you never had to do

A. (1) Cook, (2) clean the toilet, (3) take out the trash, (4) work for money, (5) pick up the trash after the bear's been in the garbage, (6) cut down a tree.

5 people that mean the world to you

A. (1) My husband, (2) My brother, (3) My father, (4) my friend, (5) my mother-in-law.

4 of your biggest fears

A. (1) not having enough money in my old age, (2) losing my husband, (3) losing my eyesight, (4) getting pancreatic cancer.

3 words to describe how you feel right now

A. (1) Tired, (2) Lonely, (3) Confused.

2 things you're excited for

A. (1) My husband is eventually going to have a hip replacement so he will be out of pain, if we can ever get the surgery scheduled, (2) getting a haircut.

1 thing you want to say to someone

A. "You are the enemy of this country, you should be in jail, and I don't understand why you're still walking the streets."


I encourage you to visit other participants in 
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. What a great bunch of answers. I particularly like your last comment!

  2. Duct tape! Definitely must remember that, lol. I’m with Bev about your last answer, a big thumbs up!


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