Saturday, April 23, 2022

Saturday 9: Dancing in the Moonlight

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) The lyrics tell us the moon is big and bright. Do you often take the time to watch the sun set or look at the moon?

A. I do. This morning I was out early with the camera trying to get a picture of the sunrise, but to get the picture I wanted I needed to walk out in the wet grass, and I was still in my robe and slippers. So, I settled for a shot of the moon, which was still high in the sky. A children's moon, I call it.

Sunrise. I wanted to get the mountains behind the trees.

Early morning Children's Moon.

2) The lead singer of King Harvest, Dave "Doc" Robinson, tells us that everyone feels "warm and right." How would you describe your mood as you answer these 9 questions?

A. I have been in a bit of a funk for a good while now, but these are decent questions. Saturday 9 always has good questions.

3) He sings that his friends don't bark or bite. What about you? Is your bark worse than your bite?

A. I think so. I haven't bitten anyone in quite a while.
4) He believes you cannot be unhappy when you dance. Do you agree?

A. I think you can be unhappy when you dance, but it can also cheer one up a bit.
5) King Harvest was not the only name the band used. They once performed as E. Rodney Jones and the Prairie Dogs. If you ever played in a band, tell us what it was called. If you haven't, make up a band name.

A. I played in a band called Almost Famous, and this was in the 1970s, long before there was a movie out with that name. My father also had a band. His was called Music Incorporated. If I were going to have a band now, I think I would call it Blue Magic Music, after my blog.

Me getting down with Almost Famous.

6) Even though this was a major hit, King Harvest's record label, Perception, went bankrupt in 1974. This decade has been hard on many businesses -- especially restaurants -- and many closed their doors due to covid. Tell us about a shop or restaurant that closed recently, and that you miss.

A. I don't have an answer to this. I know we've had businesses close, but I did not frequent them generally, so I don't miss them.

7) This very upbeat song came from pain. While vacationing in St. Croix, songwriter Sherman Kelly was the victim of vicious gang attack and was left for dead. He wrote this song during his long recuperation, and it helped him envision joy. Is there a song that reliably lifts your mood? (Yes, you can say this song. Mr. Kelly is right, it IS joyful!)

A. Uptown Funk, I Can See Clearly Now, and Band on the Run.
8) In 1972, when this song topped the charts, Wrangler jeans were America's best-selling blue jeans. Do you often wear denim?

A. I wear old lady denim.

9) Random question: Which of these is completely, 100% UNTRUE of you: Greedy, lazy, or jealous?

A. I don't think those can be completely untrue of anyone. Everyone has some pinch of those qualities of some sort or another. One can be greedy with money, food, possessions, or people one knows. One can be industrious about work but lazy about doing home chores. One can be jealous of another's success, or jealous of another's wealth, and so on and so forth. What matters is not that we experience these emotions, but how we react to them, and whether or not that emotion leads to action, for good or ill.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  


  1. You picked great songs! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  2. #5 My cousin has a band, actually it is something like five bands, they have a Facebook page for each "band" they play all the current music, they also call themselves an Irish band, a Polish band, and a classic rock band.
    Whatever music you want they play it.
    They all teach music in high schools around the state.

  3. I love your moon photo. I've always wanted to take a nice moon photo, but cell phones just don't have that power.

  4. I like the picture you shared. Blue Magic Music is a good choice!

  5. What is the origin of "Children's Moon"? Is it a thing that you say, or is like a local saying? I'm just curious, I've never heard that reference before.

  6. I very much agree with #9. Blue Magic Music is a pretty cool name for a band.


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