Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thursday Thirteen #750

I am a terrible procrastinator (sometimes). I thought I'd make a list of things that might help me overcome this.

1. Build confidence and know I can do it.

2. Don't punish myself for procrastinating.

3. Focus on what I need to do.

4. Tackle the most important item first.

5. Set a time limit, like 15 minutes, and do what needs to be done in that time frame. If I want to keep going after that, then do!

6. Break a task into smaller chunks. Clean only one room at a time, say.

7. Plan to take breaks while working on a task so you have something to look forward to.

8. Use a to-do or goal list, and break it into subcategories.

9. Talk myself into doing the work. Also try to center and stay calm and not panic over getting the work done.

10. Consider "done" to be as good as "perfect." Perfect doesn't exist and perfectionism is a big project killer (at least for me).

11. Reward myself for finishing whatever I have set out to do.

12. Change my environment or remove distractions (haven't figured this one out yet with a computer).

13. Be sure my workspace is the best for me.

What about you? How do you avoid procrastination?

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 749th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. When we are out of spoons for a project, we "touch 5 things". Sometimes we get the 5 things done and a few more.

  2. I usually just wait for it to pass and for my energy to improve. Focusing on the priorities helps.

  3. #10--it is for me, too. I need to adopt the done is done concept.

  4. I make a list, with boxes to check, to keep me on track of tasks that I can no longer ignore. I let myself get distracted with something fun before I begin a hard or unenjoyable task.

  5. I am not very successful at overcoming procrastination. To-do lists help a little, but usually it gets done when it comes down to do-or-die time.

  6. Hi Anita! My biggest issue is my ADD. I use to be a big time perfectionist, but no more. I do try to breakdown my list. Your whole list above is really good!


Thank you for dropping by! I appreciate comments and love to hear from others. I appreciate your time and responses.