Saturday, March 12, 2022

Saturday 9: Beautiful Day

Unfamiliar with this week’s song? Hear it here.

1) This song is about finding joy in an imperfect world. What brings you joy today?

A. I spent Friday with my husband on a beautiful semi-warm and sunny day. We took a long drive.

2) The lyrics mention being stuck in traffic. A poll of Boston commuters revealed that drivers have a variety of responses to be stuck in traffic — everything from bored to impatient to angry. How do you feel when you’re stuck in a traffic jam?

A. Mostly resigned. There isn't anything I can do about it.

3) This year Bono and his wife, Ali, celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. Who is the longest-married couple you know?

A. Well, I'm sure it's not us, although we're hitting year 39. At the moment, though, I am hard-pressed to think of anyone else.

4) When Bono inducted Frank Sinatra into the Grammy Hall of Fame, he complimented Frank on his “swagger.” Do you think you have “swagger?”

A. No. I have fatigue. Tired people seldom swagger. They might sway, but I don't think they swagger.

5) When U2 guitarist The Edge did a charity concert at the Sistine Chapel, he became the first rocker to perform there. If you were to travel to Rome, what sites would you be certain to visit?

A. The Sistine Chapel sounds good. Also St. Peter's Square, the Coliseum ruins, and the Vatican, I suppose. 

6) This week’s song was chosen because St. Patrick’s Day is coming up, and U2 is one of Ireland’s most famous exports. What else is Ireland famous for?

A. They don't have snakes. They have a kissing stone. They have a great accent. They had druids and Celtic priests. They had a potato famine. They have civil wars over religion.

7) Corned beef and cabbage is a traditional St. Patrick’s Day dish. Is it a favorite of yours?

A. No, I can't say that it is.

8) St. Patrick is credited with driving snakes out of Ireland. Ophiophobia is the fear of snakes. Do you suffer from ophiophobia?

A. I am not fond of snakes, but if I am the only one around to remove one, then I will remove it (and have done so on occasion). The best way is to go after them with a hoe.

9) St. Patrick’s Day fantasy: A leprechaun will share his gold with you, but you must request a specific amount for a single item. How much would you ask for, and what would you buy?

A. I would ask for $2 million and I would buy land.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  


  1. I think it's terribly romantic that a spring walk with your husband on a sunny day brings you such joy. It's like the first scene of a movie. Honestly, if I worked for Hallmark, I'd start your story there and then flash back.

    Your answer to #4 made me smile because I was so TIRED yesterday. It was just work stress, but I felt like I'd plowed the back 40. When 5:00 rolled around, I didn't exactly swagger off for a nap!

  2. I love long drives, but sadly hubs hates them. And he always has to be the one driving. What IS that? Fortunately, to get anywhere here is a long drive, so I do get to indulge myself now and again.

  3. Oh, I'm sorry, but the mental picture of you running after a snake with a hoe lifted over your head ready to whack him is giving me JOY! lol Yesterday was a beautiful day. I'm glad you got out for a ride with your guy.

  4. Oh--I love to go for long, leisurely drives. Yours sounds lovely.

  5. I'm glad you had a god day with your husband.

  6. Maybe I should move to Ireland where there are no snakes. I hate those things. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  7. The Irish to, indeed, have a great accent. The day out in the countryside with your hubby sounds lovely. I would like to go to the Mountains soon before the summer heat. or go North. A lot depends on Wolfie at the moment. Land! Oh, yes! Land is a great choice. I'd buy some in Oregon.

  8. We are going on 48 years this summer. No snakes for me!

  9. #6 I saw on one of those 1/2 hour gossip shows after the news about the Blarney Stone and they did a swab of it. The bacteria and stuff they found on the stone was gross.


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