Friday, March 11, 2022

New Life

This little baby calf was born yesterday in the rain. Calves do not immediately get up and walk around - that's a myth. It takes them a little while. They stand up once and get a drink and then lay back down. Usually in a few hours they are up and about. They do run around in circles sometimes. This one has a good mamma. She was very attentive.


  1. So cute. I had my own encounter on Monday. I went to pick up a client who stays on a farm and as I was coming down the lane a little black and white calf shot out in front of my car. Once I parked I could hear the adults all caterwalling and walked around the barn to see where he was and sure enough, he was stuck outside bawling pitifully. A member of the family came down the road in their truck about then and I flagged them down and told them about the little guy. He got rounded up and put back where he belonged and things settled down...except for the Guinea hens who were really not happy with me walking back and forth through the area where their feed was scattered.


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