Thursday, February 10, 2022

Thursday Thirteen

2. A book I read the other day was called As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen. I read it because Richard Marx mentioned it in his autobiography and said the book had a big influence on him. It was basically 90 pages of how many ways a person can say a person is his or her thoughts. If you are strong, you are thinking strong thoughts. If you're weak, you're thinking weak thoughts. There was absolutely not a single example of what a strong thought might be or what a weak thought might be, but there you go. The book was written in 1902. It reminded me of the self-help book, The Secret, which is the only book I have ever thrown in the garbage.

3. These types of books - bootstrap books, I call them - tend to exclude the extraordinary external conditions that people face. It doesn't deal with how an abused child might come up with low or no self-esteem thanks to constantly being told he or she is a piece of shit. It doesn't deal with rape, incest, murder, thievery, or other societal ills. It doesn't deal with the economics of society, the lack of jobs, gender or race issues, or how society itself works systemically to keep certain types of people "in their place," whatever society has allotted that place to be. If everyone could think themselves wealthy, wouldn't they?

4. I've been trying to get my paperwork ready to take to the accountant so she can tell me how much more money I need to pay the government. Like most people, I do not like to pay taxes. Unlike many people, I consider it a privilege that I get to pay taxes. That means we make enough money to need to pay taxes. And somebody has to pay for the upkeep of roads. Just because I honor the commitment doesn't mean I have to like it.

5. I have been crocheting a scarf for several months. Ok, maybe 5 months. It shouldn't take that long, but I am only doing a couple rows a night.

6. I have also been writing a song for about a month now. It isn't finished, so no one has heard it yet.

7. My poetry is allegedly going to be published in Artemis 2022. This will be the fourth year in a row I've had a poem published in this anthology. I need to write more poems as I am running out of them.

8. My next book is a massive tome called the Priory of the Orange Tree. It's about 1,000 pages long. I think this one may take a while to read.

9. I'm considering some life changes, but I don't know where I'm going with them. I need a plan.

10. I don't have a bucket list, either, but some things I wouldn't mind doing include travel. I would like to see Ireland and New Zealand. Too bad they are an entire world apart and not next door to one another. I'd also like to see Scotland. I do not foresee any of these trips taking place. Maybe a good goal would be to read up on them and learn all I can about those three countries. Create my own summer semester, as it were.

11. The ends of the tree branches are suddenly a bit thicker. They are starting to swell with buds. Just a little bit, but spring is on its way. The dreariness of winter is giving way and heading out the door.

12. Milky Way Midnight is my favorite candy bar, and I ate the first one I'd had in over a year yesterday. It tasted good and didn't cause too much problem with my stomach. But I can see that chocolate is something that is going to have to stay out of my diet, for the most part. I will have to make do with an occasional hit.

13. The Winter Olympics have underwhelmed me this year. I used to enjoy watching them and I wish all the athletes well, but the prime time showing seems rather poorly done. We watched the women's half pipe snowboarding thing last night. I have only managed to see figure skating in youtube videos. I don't know how I keep missing what I really want to watch.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 742nd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. Nope, #1 surprises me not at all.

    Scarves just take so long to finish. The basic tedium of the repeat going on and on and on. I'm knitting a scarf, and it's going well, but it just keeps going and going and going. I'm sure you'll get yours done sooner or later.

    I think the figure skating works for me as I'm on the west coast. It was on for us at about 8-9 PM.

  2. His whole presidency was in the toilet! HA! I have "an antidote book mentioned to the one you mentioned on my TT. I have a poem coming out in Artemis too!

  3. Sad to say, I'm not surprised by #1 either. I can't get it out of my head how he had that meeting with Putin, with a translator, and afterwords insisted she give him the notes of what was said. Surely that was a violation.
    I haven't watched any Olympics.
    I crochet, but haven't in years.

  4. Totally agree about the book the Secret but once I read what it was about I knew it was something that would not interest me in any way. I also agree about paying taxes. I'm just not ready to get all of our stuff together to get them done. Maybe sometime in April, we'll see. I am not planning on watching any Olympics this time around. Some day I would like to learn to crochet, maybe :)


  5. #1 -- But her emails!

    #2 -- Oprah made The Secret popular. Oprah made Jenny McCarthy/anti-vax mainstream and launched Dr. Oz. Oprah has a lot to answer for.

    #12 -- I'm sorry. Chocolate is something to be missed.

  6. #1. Sadly, nothing I hear about him surprises me anymore. 😕

    #8. That’s a huge book — good luck!

    #12. Love Milky Way Dark!

    #13. Sorry you’ve missed most of the figure skating. It’s been on really late for those on the east coast. Not that it’s been much better for the Central time zone. Coverage of the men’s long program didn’t start until 9:40 CT and ended at 10:30 (11:30 your time). I considered upgrading to Peacock Premium for a month, just so I could watch more of the events I like.


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