Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thursday Thirteen

I stole this idea from The Gal Herself, who used it last week for Thursday Thirteen. 

Like her, I've been blogging for years. I've blogged for more than 13 Februarys! So let's go back in time and see what I was doing around the end of February every year.

1. In 2009, I was concerned about grammar, posting about how to use ellipses in particular. I was also doing Thursday 13 then, as I have been since 2006 or so. That year, I posted about the American Heart Association.

2. In 2010, pictures of a rare black swan that appeared seemingly from nowhere occupied much of my blog space. I wonder what happened to that bird?

3. In 2011, video games preoccupied me. I wondered if I might be addicted to them (probably). I still play them. And I was thinking of writing a book. I am still thinking of writing a book.

4. In 2012, I was mourning the loss of a clothes basket. Yes, a clothes basket. Not just any clothes basket, though. It was one of the first clothes baskets I bought as a newlywed. It was a good sturdy clothes basket, nothing like the flimsy things I have now. But alas, the handle eventually gave way, as most plastic handles do.

5. In 2013, voting was on my mind. Women voting, actually, and I wrote this Thursday Thirteen about Virginia suffragettes. Virginia didn't ratify the 19th amendment until 1952. Yes, 1952! How backwards is this state, anyway?

6. In 2014, I was contemplating the notion that I am part of a lost generation. I am not old enough to be a Baby Boomer, though I am on the tail end of that group. I'm too old to be a Generation X person. There's about six years in there, from 1960 to 1966, where those of us born in those years simply don't belong. I still think that.

7. In 2015, we had snow at the end of the month. This year, the temperatures are in the 60s. Pneumonia weather, we call it.

8. In 2016, I took up coloring. I also was involved in local politics dealing with the removal of historic structures that should not have been moved.

9. In 2017, we were having an early spring, with violets and daffodils both blooming.

10. In 2018, I was visited by tree fairies. Light reflecting on water on the trees. In revisiting the entry, I remember it as a strange day, almost hallowed, because the glimmer was so odd. I could not do the image justice with the camera.

11. In 2019, my blue spruce tree fell over. They had succumbed to drought and fungus, and the wind blew one over in the night. I was home alone when it happened; it sounded like the whole house was being torn asunder when the tree hit the ground. We had them all removed later that year because they were close to the house.

12. In 2020, the weather was again too warm. The daffodils were in full bloom.

13. In 2021, I purchased a new Dell computer (big mistake). I'm still using it, but I dislike it and it doesn't have the power I need to play some of my video games. I was hoping to replace it, but I guess I will have to hold out a while. My husband is looking at another surgery soon and I'm not sure where our finances will be with that. Medical bills can take a chunk out of the savings account.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 744th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I remember most of these! I might use this idea too. The clothes baskets they make these days are cheap. The one you lost was probably before that cause it seems to have lasted a long time.

  2. What a great idea to time travel 🧭 and see what you were doing the previous Februaries ! Like you I have been blogging since 2006. But this is the first time I am doing a Thursday thirteen. Glad I found it ❤️

  3. What a great post--I should do that for a Ten Things Tuesday.

  4. I agree with you about those of us born between 1960 and 1966. I don't feel much like a baby boomer, but am definitely not a gen X-er either. Hubs is firmly in Gen X land, being 12 years younger than me. I don't know WHAT I am.

  5. I love that you felt bad about the laundry basket. I totally get that!


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