Friday, February 04, 2022

Did I Break It?

Wednesday night I smashed my foot against the bed. After several moments of horrific pain and gasping, I was finally able to blurt out to my husband, who was yelling from the other side of the room, "What is wrong? What is wrong?" that I had smashed my toe.

It immediately turned blue. I iced it. I iced it the next day, too.

Today, it's fairly painful. I am starting to think I may have broken it.

Geez, I had no idea my skin was so wrinkled. Got old all over, didn't I? Yikes.

Incidentally, I hate feet. I can't believe I'm posting this picture.


  1. Good goobies! That's quite a colorful toe you've got there! I suggest you show it to an MD. Hope it stops throbbing soon.

  2. Holy moly--that's quite a bruise! I hope it's better soon!

  3. Certainly looks painful! Not sure if it is broken or not but if I remember correctly there is not much they can do for a broken toe except maybe cushion it or tape it to another toe for stability. Hope it heals up soon!


  4. Ouuuuuuwie. Get thee to urgent care, or at least buddy tape to your 2nd toe.


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