Saturday, September 04, 2021

A Hard Day's Night

Saturday9: Hard Day's Night

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) John Lennon sings that he's been working like a dog. What's the hardest job you've ever had? What made it so difficult?

A. One of the hardest jobs I ever had was when I was working with at temp agency. The women at the office I sent to were mean. As in nasty. They didn't want me there. They wouldn't give me any assignments. They called me names. They told me I was fat, to my face. They told me I was useless and they didn't know why I was born. They had me in tears, literally. They did not know but the two of them came after me like tigers chasing prey. I left at lunch and did not go back. I also didn't get any more work from that temp agency but that was fine with me. That was a half-day job but it still sticks with me because it made no sense - still makes no sense. Why be so cruel for no purpose, except for the purpose of getting rid of me, which they did successfully. That was a hard day. But it probably wasn't the hardest job I ever had. 

2) Despite the hard work, he likes his life and asks, "So why on earth should I moan?" What's the last thing you complained about? Who were you talking to?

A. I strongly suspect the last thing I complained about was the events taking place in Texas regarding women's reproductive rights, and I was would have been discussing it with either a friend or my husband, or perhaps some other decent human being who is rightly appalled at the Texas Taliban.

3) John was raised by his Aunt Mimi. She meant well when she told the teen-aged John, "The guitar's all right, but you'll never make a living out of it." What's the worst advice you've ever received?

A. That I would never be a writer.

4) This week's song was cowritten and also sung with Paul McCartney. Paul's father was more supportive of the lads' show business aspirations than Aunt Mimi was, but he still worried that his son wouldn't be able fully support himself as a musician. To please his dad, 17-year-old Paul worked over the Christmas holiday season as the "second man" on a delivery truck. Paul would be the one to hop off the truck and drop off the packages while the driver could keep the motor running and the heat on. Where was the last package you received from? (Extra points if you share what was in it.)

A. I received a package from Amazon. It had Sombra in it, which is a camphor and menthol rub for aching body parts. It was for my husband.

5) After Christmas was over, Dad insisted Paul get a full-time, year-around job. He ended up at a factory, winding heavy coils to be used in electric motors. He hated the work but enjoyed the lunch hours, eating jam sandwiches and, weather permitting, kicking a soccer ball around the yard with his coworkers. What's for lunch at your house today?

A. We are having sandwiches.

6) In early March 1961, the Beatles accepted a booking to play lunch hour gigs at Liverpool's Cavern Club, and so February 28, after less than two full months, Paul said goodbye to factory work. What's the shortest you ever stayed at a job?

A. See the answer to #1 above. I did a lot of temp jobs at various times, and those sometimes lasted a day or a week or longer. I had a job at a bank once and I think I lasted there about six weeks. Sometimes you just know you're not supposed to be somewhere.

7) Enough about these Brits! Labor Day was introduced to celebrate the achievements of the American worker. How many different employers have you had?

A. Um. Lots. If you counted baby sitting job, and then every different venue I've freelanced for, way lots.

8) This weekend may offer a golden opportunity for napping and sleeping in. Do you snore?

A. Yes. My husband calls them, "kitty cat snores." Fortunately, they are not very loud.

9) Labor Day traditionally marks the beginning of the new school year. When she was a kid, Samantha was crazy for her brand new box of 96 Crayola Crayons. It even had a sharpener in the back! What do you remember about preparing to go back to school? If you're an educator, let us know how you get the classroom ready for the kids.

A. I still love to go to the store this time of year and buy a new notebook or two or three. I always enjoyed the new notebooks, and we would get our textbooks and bring them home and Mom would carefully cover them with a brown paper bag cover so they wouldn't get torn or worn.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. #1 sounds so harrowing. I'm sorry you've had to carry that around with you all these years.

    Now Texas, next Oklahoma. It's very disturbing. I keep trying to find a ray of sunshine and I'm clinging to John Roberts. He is turning out to be a more serious, fair jurist than we ever could have hoped during his confirmation hearings.

    Brown paper bag covers! Yes!

  2. I'm with you on #2, Texas and the Supreme Court is a hot topic.

  3. We've been discussing Texas too. A lot. They are our immediate neighbor to the east, and our hospitals (and we don't have many) are full of Texans. I expect our Women's clinic will become very, very busy in the coming months. It breaks my heart that we, as a country, seem to be turning back the clock on rights of every sort. What's next? :(

  4. Holy crap! What on earth was wrong with those women? You are right, that for sure didn't make sense. I can never understand how people can be so intentionally cruel for no reason other than to be hateful. It makes me wonder what they've been through, themselves, to end up that way. Something awful, I'm thinking. I'm doing a study on forgiving right now and one of the truths it teaches is that "hurt people hurt people." Aw, how cute that your hubby calls them "kitty cat snores." I could live with that. From what my husband tells me, I, like the Gal and Ringo, am a "window rattler." Have a great weekend!

    1. Some hurt people go out of their way to try not to make others feel as they do. I always have. So I am not sure I would consider that a "truth" because not every hurt person sets out to hurt others. I'm sure I have hurt other people, but not intentionally.

  5. That job was terrible. No wonder you left!

    Isn't everybody talking about Texas? Not sure which is worse--Texas or the Supreme Court for allowing it.

    In all the years I had bag-covered books, I could never get the covers right. They were always messy.

    1. That's why I let my mother do it! She was very crafty and good at things like that.

  6. Replies
    1. I do too, but honestly wish she had retired in Obama's first year in office.

    2. Agree with you. She should have but would not be prevailed upon.

  7. Replies
    1. It should scare everyone. It's a first step of fascism.

  8. #1 makes me sick. How could any adult... and I am assuming these were not high school girls...could ever treat someone that way. I am glad you left. No one deserves to be treated that way.
    I am so embarrassed, but I do not know what is going on in Texas. I need to turn the news on. If it is women's rights/abortion/ could they go backwards on that. I will check it out. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!

  9. What WITCHES those two women in you temp job were! And bad career advice seems to infect at least some of the school councilor’s everywhere. That these people get paid to give it should be surprising. What’s happening in Texas is just down right scary.


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