Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday Stealing

1. What subjects lead you down a Wikipedia rabbit hole?

A. Most anything I have any interest in can do that. Religions, other cultures, mythology, music history, magic - whatever I look up.

2. How do you like to spend your birthdays?

A. With my husband doing something fun. This rarely happens.

3. Something you might take a little too seriously?

A. Myself.
4. Describe a time you made a good decision for yourself.

A. I took work at a job that I absolutely hated and I quit it to go back to college.
5. Something you’ve improved/gotten better at.

A. Hopefully just doing this thing called life.
6. What dish would you bring to a summer potluck?

A. I'd bring a thing of chicken parts from Kroger, soft drinks, and chips. Yes, I am that person who doesn't cook up the great potato salad or whatever.

7. What do you miss about Winter?

A. Not much. Snow is good occasionally but the older I get the less I like it.

8. Share a summer memory.

A. Summer lovin', had me a blast! Summer lovin', happened so fast! Met a girl, crazy for me! Met a boy, cute as could be! Summer days, driftin' away, but oh! those summer nights! . . . Sorry, channeling Grease there for a minute. A summer memory of my own? One year we went to Myrtle Beach and had a grand time. No hurricane! We had cash for once and could do things besides pay for the room, so we raced cars, shopped, rode rides at the Pavilion, went to the Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum. It was probably our best time down there.

9. What words do you misspell or misuse the most?

A. I have to look up the lie/lay thing.
10. Name things you love to do that can only happen in summer.

A. Go fishing in the pond.
11. How would you describe your sense of humor?

A. Sarcastic and over rated.
12. Have you ever quit a job or career?

A. Yes.

13. What are your favorite features of your cell phone?

A. Texting.

14. What scents always make you hungry?

A. Cookies baking.

15. What are you working on right now?

A. Answering these questions. I'm also thinking about what to fix for dinner.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. You reminded me that I take myself very seriously, too.

  2. Cookies is a good one! Do you have a pond on your property?

    1. We do. But it has been a long time since I went fishing there.

  3. I hate snow. Thankfully we don't get too much of it in Manchester, due to our position in the country, which is one of the advantages of living here.

    Winter is unpleasant generally for me.




  4. cookies baking! I'd love to see some store bought prepared chicken at a pot luck!

  5. My father made the very best potato salad. I have been unable to make it, my mother wasn't able to make it. Not sure why it was so special, but I loved it when he brought it to events and that is probably the one thing I really miss about him.

  6. I do not enjoy cooking either. Good idea to pick up some chicken to take. My mom used to do that some, but she is also the one that makes the really good potato salad.
    You had me singing Let's go crazy by Prince for #5, electric word life it means forever and that's a mighty long time...go crazy! and Sumer Lovin' for #8. I have enjoyed it! Loved your answers. Have a great day!


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