Saturday, August 14, 2021

Saturday 9: Smelly Cat

Unfamiliar with this song? Hear it here.
1) Poor Smelly Cat lives with negligent humans who refuse to take it to the vet. Who is the last doctor you spoke to (vet, MD, dentist, PhD . . . )?

A. I had a teledoc with my doctor's PA on Monday.
2) This song was introduced during the second season of Friends. Were you a fan of the show?

A. I don't think I ever watched an episode of it.

3) On the show, the song was performed by Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), an amateur folk singer and a professional masseuse. There  was a debate on Reddit about massages -- some loved them because they are relaxing and therapeutic, others think it's "creepy to be undressed and handled by a stranger." How about you? Do you enjoy massages?

A. I do enjoy a good massage, but I haven't had one in quite a long time.
4) During the run of Friends, Phoebe was roommates first with Monica and then with Rachel and finally with her true love, Mike. Tell us about one of your roommates.

A. I never had a roommate. I have a husband. Is he a roommate? I guess so. He's a retired fireman, very loyal and sweet fellow (at least to me). He likes me.
5) Phoebe often performed for tips on street corners or at her favorite coffee shop, Central Perk. Where is your favorite place to go for a cup of joe?

A. I don't drink coffee.

6) This song was originally called "Smelly Dog," inspired by a pooch named Gouda. The childhood pet of Friends writer Betsy Borns, poor Gouda could have smelled better. Is there an odor you'd prefer to never smell again?

A. Skunk and nursing home smell. I could do without smelling either of those ever again.
7) 35% of American households include a cat. Are there any pets at your house?

A. I have a herd of cattle. They aren't at the house, they're out in the pasture.

8) In 1995, the year Phoebe first performed "Smelly Cat," Steve Fossett became the first person to make a solo flight across the Pacific in a hot air balloon. Have you ever ridden in a balloon?

A. I have! It was in 1986 or 1987. I wrote an article about it for the local newspaper and won a Virginia Press Association Award for it. I think it was one of the first ones I won.
9) Random question: Looking over your romantic history, have you broken more hearts, or had your heart broken more often?

A. I expect it's about even.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. Was the hot air balloon ride fun?

    1. Yes, it was. A little scary, too, but it was exhilarating. There is no sound up in the air like that so you hear all the sounds from the ground. Dogs barking, people talking, vehicles. The only noise would be the occasional whoosh from the hot air balloon when the pilot heated the up the balloon to make us rise into a different current.

  2. Glad you enjoyed your hot air balloon ride. I'm afraid of heights.
    I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a good Saturday!

  3. I had a massage for my birthday last year--and I need to schedule one for next week as a reward for surviving the first week of school!

  4. There are several of us that do not drink coffee. I thought I was in a minority on that. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  5. It's always a plus when your husband/roomie likes you. lol
    Nursing homes do have a smell all their's actually a combination of a lot of unpleasant smells.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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