Sunday, July 04, 2021

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. List three things you love.

A. Things aren't people, so I will go with "stuff." Books, my guitar, and my desktop.

2. What is the last song you listened to?

A. Landslide, by Fleetwood Mac, followed by the Theme from Titanic by Celine Dion

3. What are your turn offs? (Things you dislike?)

A. Those "Don't Tread on Me" license plates I see everywhere here, grocery carts that aren't put away in the parking lot, and cigarettes.

4. What color underwear are you wearing right now?

A. Who says I'm wearing underwear?

5. How many tattoos do you have?

A. None. However, I have a lot of scars.

6. How many piercings do you have?

A. One in each ear.

7. What is the meaning behind your URL?

A. It's how you reach my blog. What else would it mean?

8. What do you find attractive in other people?

A. Intelligence and honor.

9. What is something that’s currently worrying you?

A. My husband's hip has been bothering him for a while.

10. What is something that’s constantly on your mind?

A. Whether or not its going to rain. We're in a drought and need rain.

11. What is your favorite store?

A. I don't have one, really, but I suppose Barnes & Nobles or Staples.

12. What did you do yesterday?

A. I paid bills, changed the linens on the bed, washed clothes, baked cookies.

13. What is your favorite blog?

A. My own, I guess. But I like the Saturday 9 and Sunday Stealing regulars.

14. Who is someone you miss?

A. My maternal grandmother.

15. What is the reason you follow Sunday Stealing?

A. I enjoy the Q&A and the people who answer. We seem to be a rather interesting crew with some similar interests but different enough to be constantly interesting.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. #10 - We have more than our fair share of rain in the UK. I'll see if I can get some sent over to you.




  2. America is so regional, isn't it? I have never seen a MAGA hat here, nor a Don't Tread on Me license plate.

    Hope your husband gets feeling better.

    (And put on some underwear!)

  3. I took the url question to mean, what does your blog name mean or where did you get it, why did you choose it. I'd be interested in knowing how each person chose their blog names. I laughed at underwear... I wear it to stop the creep of wedgies! The above person's comment makes me want to move where she is.... we have gun toting maga hat wearing, demanding and threatening people all around us. They threw away the black lives matter signs, they drove loud trucks with waving flags through groups in the park, they run with enormous flags, and have the previous president's signs up in their yards... still. I'm in Colorado, a state that went for Biden overall.

  4. I hope your husband feels better soon. My hips bother me, mine is arthritis though.
    Oh I love Fleetwood Mac! Great music right there. Loved your answers. Have a safe and happy 4th of July!

  5. I've seen a couple of Trump 2024 banners and I shudder each time.

    I love your answer to #15!


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