Monday, April 26, 2021

The Reaction

I would like to report that I had little reaction to my second Moderna shot, but that was not the case.

For 24 hours, I experienced chills, a fever, body aches all over (especially in my back), and a headache. At one point Friday night, my skin was so sensitive I could barely stand light clothing on my body.

Additionally, I have had very vivid dreams every night since I had the shot.

However, the symptoms eased by Saturday morning, and by today (Monday), aside from itching in the area of the shot, I am doing well.

I suspect some of this was exacerbated by the fact that I already had a sinus infection when I took the shot. I wasn't running a fever, and my doctor had said to get the shot unless I had a temperature.

But Friday morning, I was doing the teledoc thing with my PCP. She popped me on an antibiotic for the sinus infection, a new drug for me, and that cleared up fairly quickly.  In fact, it is about gone now, too. Good drug.

One of my Facebook friends said she would never take the shot again after experiencing similar symptoms. Extremes vary from person to person, and while I wouldn't want to go through that again, if I have to have a booster for Covid, I will take it. Better to feel lousy for a little while and not end up dead.

The dreams were entertaining. Dreams never make sense when you write them out, but I remember that at one point, there had been a tidal wave over Roanoke (that would be some tidal wave, since we're about 4 hours inland). I was wandering around and I found a huge lot of earrings. Nothing fancy, just various studs in multiple colors. Then I was at an old law firm where I used to work, and one of the women told me I had stolen her earrings. I realized that all of the earrings I had found came from the law firm. In order to give them back, I decided to place them all in envelopes and put them discreetly in everyone's desk, since I was being accused of stealing when I'd only picked up what I'd found that I though was lost.

In another dream, or a portion of this one, I can't remember, I was driving along the road where my grandmother used to live, along the Roanoke River. A house was on fire. My grandmother said not to go near it, but I said we needed to go because it was Aunt Elsie's house. I raced to the car but the road started twisting and buckling and somehow I ended up in Myrtle Beach, SC. That's an 8-hour drive from here.

The mind is an interesting body part. I wonder what part of the Moderna shot it affected. I hope it enhances mood. That would be a good side effect. I am pretty cheerful today so . . . maybe? I'd like a dose of permanent cheerful, please!


  1. Ugh. I'm glad you are feeling better today and that everything was fairly short lived, but the report of terrible aching...particularly in the not something I want to hear. I get my second dose on the 19th and I have been having a lot of trouble with the muscles in my back spasming lately as it is.

  2. I'm sorry you had unpleasant side effects! Glad you're feeling better.

  3. Sorry you had to experience all that. I had a medium headache for a couple of days and tiredness and that was all.
    I hope you are doing better by now.


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