Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

A. The closet door is open. It's a walk-in closet and the door always stays open because one of the heat registers is in there.

2. Do you have freckles?

A. I do not. My mother, however, had lots of freckles. She used to tell this story on herself - when she was very young, someone told her that early morning dew would remove freckles. So every morning for an entire summer, she woke before everyone else and went outside and rubbed her face in the grass. I think my grandmother finally put a stop to that.

3. Can you whistle?

A. I can. Some days I do it better than others.

4. What is the name of the last song you listened to?

A. Comfortably Numb, by Pink Floyd

5. Name something that relaxes you.

A. Reading.

6. What sounds are your favorite?

A. My husband's voice, along with my brother's voice and my father's, bird noises, train sounds, guitar music, my friends' voices, the whisper of the breeze through a fully-grown hayfield, the chit-chit of the squirrels, the low of the cattle, the click of a camera, and the peck-peck of my fingers on the computer keyboard.

7. What do you wear to bed?

A. I wear a nightgown.

8. Do you sing in the shower?

A. This morning I let loose with a rousing rendition of American Pie, every verse and chorus. It was a long shower.

9. What books are you reading?

A. I am reading a Stuart Woods book. I have been binge-reading his books since the first of the year, with a few "literary" reads in between. I am also reading the Bible every day.

10. Do you believe in magic?

A. In a young girl's heart? Of course. Magic is everywhere. It is in the wink of the sun through the clouds, in the flowering daffodils, in the silence of the house when no one is home. Magic lives in all of us, some of simply call it by different names. What is prayer but an incantation?

11. Can you curl your tongue?

A. I can.

12. Have you ever caught a butterfly?

A. Yes. I always let them go. When we were children, we were cruel to June bugs. We would catch them and tie a string around their leg and then fly them around in circles. We also caught lightning bugs in jars. No one told us we shouldn't do that. I would never do that now, and as I aged I realized it was not a nice thing to do to bugs.

13. Name one movie that made you cry.

A. The Rose.

14. Do you prefer peanuts or sunflower seeds?

A. Sunflower seeds. 

15. Are you a heavy sleeper?

A. I am not. I wake easily in the night. Sometimes the ice maker dumping in the kitchen will wake me. I think I sleep heavier than I used to, though, now that my husband is home every night. When he worked the 24-hour shifts at the fire station, I don't think I slept as well when he was not at home.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. American Pie? That must have been a long shower.

  2. I like the story on #2!
    I also am a light sleeper.
    Have a great Sunday and have a Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  3. I believe I have tried every freckle remover. I loathed them when I was younger.

  4. I caught fireflies as a kid and it makes me sick to think about it now. I try to leave them and butterflies alone now. No one ever told me not to kill them either. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  5. I read an article on Pink Floyd yesterday. It seems they will never play together again because the other hater Roger...

  6. I don't know if I have ever seen the movie the Rose... but the song makes me teary. Happy Sunday!

  7. I don't think I've ever seen "The Rose."

    I never had freckles, but two of our kids did and now one of our granddaughters has a lot of freckles, just like her father did. I don't know if she hates them or not. *I* think they are cute!

  8. So, the Curse of the Freckle Monster skipped a generation? ;o) I'm the only one of four kids who got them.
    I love that movie, and that song. Love really is a flower..
    We used to gently catch little skippers and put them on flowers from one side of the garden to the other. I guess we didn't think they could find their way to the other gardens. lol

  9. I also caught June bugs and tied strings on them and lightening bugs too. Funny on Comfortably numb my hubby plays it on his guitar. enjoyed your answers hope you have a great week

  10. Comfortably Numb is a great song. I may do a Pink Floyd top ten for a laugh. I also remember lightning bugs on a trip to America - we don't get them here but I think we call them fireflies.




  11. I love that story about your mom. #6 reads like a poem. :-)

  12. We would catch Lightening Bugs and pin them on the wall in our bedroom, hoping they would glow in the dark. I don't think they ever did.


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