Friday, March 26, 2021

A Busy Day

Yesterday was a busy day.

I had a mammogram scheduled for in the morning. I've got a fibrous area that they've been watching for a long time, and it was time for another check-up as well as the regular mammogram. One must keep those puppies happy, after all.

The mammogram was fine, and the doctor cleared me to leave the intense scrutiny of every an every six-month check-up and return to annual mammograms. Yay.

Then we went to Sam's Club. This is the first time I'd been in Sam's since last year if not before. I don't shop there much. The store has been completely rearranged and we were lucky to find what we needed (which was some kind of oil for the farm tractor).

It's a little scary to be out when you've mostly been at home for a year. It's easy to become overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds. I have never seen so many packs of toilet paper and paper towels in my life. Sam's must want to be sure they never get caught with their pants down around that issue again.

We took ham sandwiches with us because neither of us are ready to eat in a restaurant. We sat by the airport to watch the airplanes while we ate, but we never saw a plane.

Then it was off to the Civic Center for my first round of the Moderna vaccine. We went in the handicapped side and there was no line. The nurse told me to relax my arm. I tried. "Relax," she said again.

"I don't relax well," I replied.

"I can tell. You're one of those Type A nervous types," she said, and then jabbed the needle in my arm, relaxed muscles or not.

It hurt. It was much worse than a flu shot, or the pneumonia shot. Ouchie.

I sat for my required 15 minutes and aside from my arm hurting and feeling numb, I felt ok. About 40 minutes after the shot, though, I began to have this weird taste in my mouth, like I'd been chewing on a Band-Aid. I've had that occur before when the physical therapist gave me a steroid shot in my ankle. I suspect I'm reacting to a preservative of some kind.

The taste went away after a few hours. I experienced chills for a bit, and I felt very tired, but it had been a busy day.

Today I still have a sore arm, but nothing else seems amiss. No horns growing, no body parts falling off, not even a stuffy nose.

I will receive the second shot in late April. By mid-May, I should be able to return to grocery shopping in the store instead of doing online ordering and pick-up.

So that's one big thing out of the way and another big thing started. Yay for science, even if it isn't perfect yet. It's the best we've got when it comes to health.


  1. I didn’t even fill the shot go in and I was relaxed. It will hurt more if the muscles are not relaxed. I only had a sore arm for a few days. I had a mild headache for a day and a half after the 2nd one two weeks ago. Ism glad you ventured out. We ate inside for the 2nd time yesterday with spacing .

  2. I'm going to join you in Moderna on April Fool's Day. I've been warned that I may have a reaction. I actually had Covid in December, and if any antibodies remain in my system, they are going to take the vaccine *very* personally. But so be it. Like you said, it's the best we've got and I'm on board.

    1. I had no reaction to the first Moderna shot but felt like I had the flu for one day after second shot. It was kind of nice to just sit in the recliner with a blanket and watch TV all dlay!


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