Friday, February 19, 2021

Prompts Again

What are you proud of yourself for today? Why?

I am proud of myself today for getting dressed! I am not in my nightgown nor in my robe. I have had a shower, cleaned the toilet, made my husband's tea, washed a load of clothes, made the bed, and taken photos of the ice on the trees. Hurray for not being a total sloth and sitting in front of the computer!

Additionally, my brain is thinking about writing. This is a good thing. Yesterday I cleaned out a box of old papers and ran across several of the long pieces I had to write for college. A few of them could be reworked and maybe sent out to a journal or some other place that publishes in-depth, thoughtful articles.

So there's that. And it's just a little after 11 a.m.!

What are the most important characteristics in a friend? Do you have those qualities?

Not every friend has the same characteristics, and I wouldn't dare try to categorize what makes a person a good friend. Some people are good friends because they are loyal. Some are good friends because they're thoughtful. Some are helpful. Others are sounding boards. Some you enjoy discussing certain topics with, like books. Some are the people you call in an emergency. I hope I have some of those qualities and somebody somewhere considers me a good friend.


  1. I still surprise myself when I get a whole bunch of things done before 11 a.m. I actually do more now that I'm "retired".

  2. Your sure had a productive morning. I took the sloth route today.


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