Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday Stealing

1. Something held together with ribbon, string, or rope.

A quilt given to me by my great aunt.

2. Something related to travel.

Hot air balloon flying over the farm.

3. Someplace people gather

High school marching band at football game.

4. Something cold/frozen

Ash tree and fence after a snow.

5. Something with a hole in it.

My mouth after I'd had stitches
in my lower lip around 2006

6. Something striped

The remnants of a barn built circa 1859.

7. An animal.

A bee in the zinnias.

8. Something cute.

A doe washing off her second born after giving birth to twins in my front yard.

9. A food.

Cooked turkey!

10. Something warm

The sun during the 2017 eclipse.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.



  1. Deer giving birth in your yard - how amazing!
    I seem to have a phobia of extreme cold but that Ash tree looks beautiful in the snow.
    Got stitches too on my right brow.
    Wow, Sunday Stealing. One of the very first memes I joined in when I started blogging in 2009.

  2. Loved the pictures, especially the balloon and the bee.

  3. I enjoyed all of your answers today.
    Have a great Sunday my friend.

  4. It's not every day you see a hot air balloon.




  5. Great answers! Your poor lip! I think its so lovely that doe chose your yard to have her babies ;)

  6. Great photos, I especially like #8, that is the sweetest!

  7. Incredible photos! There's something compelling about the barn remnants.

  8. What a gorgeous deer picture! I love the picture answers today. This was fun. Have a nice day.

  9. You have the perfect life for a writer,surrounded my nature, though I bet that Hot Air Balloon was exciting to see over your cow pasture. And, Ouch, that lip had to take a long time to heal. Ouch Ouch Ouch!
    Have a lovely week out there in magical and beautiful Blue Country.

  10. When I lived in Alaska, we had a moose cow who would come back to our front yard (which was just really wild mountainside) every couple of years to give birth. We could recognize her because she'd been clawed by a wolf(ves) on the right shoulder and had quite a scar. Cool pics--I also loved the barn.


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