Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday Stealing

1. Tell us about any lawn or garden plans you have for this month.

A. Well, let's see. We're still under a lockdown with the pandemic. However, I'm sure the deer, turkey, and bear will have a blast out by the garbage cans one night soon. Should be a great party! I'll have to remember to leave a little alcohol out for them so the foxes can get sloshed.

2. "Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there."~Thomas Fuller  What does this quote mean to you?

A. Weeds.

3. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about God?

A. Universe.

4. If we were chatting in person, how would I know if you were nervous?

A. If I chew my nails, I suppose, although I have about stopped doing that thanks to the pandemic. So far it's the only good thing to come out of the pandemic - I try to keep my fingers out of my mouth.

5. Do you like the color yellow? Would I find any in your home or wardrobe?

A. You won't find much of it.

6. Daffodils, tulips, roses, sunflowers, day lily, black-eyed Susan...which yellow bloom on this list is your favorite?

A. Sunflowers. 

7. Flip flops or bare feet?

A. Sneakers.

8. Fish out of water, big fish in a small pond, living in a fishbowl, packed in like sardines, this is a fine kettle of fish, plenty of fish in the sea, fish or cut bait...which fishy phrase most recently applies to some area of your life?

A. I think most of us feel like we're living in a fishbowl or something these days.

9. Have you ever been fishing? Did you catch a fish? If so did you keep it or throw it back? If you haven't been fishing is that something you'd like to try?

A. I have been fishing and I have caught fish. I bait my own hook with live worms, too. Mostly, the fish are thrown back, but I caught trout and eaten them. My father taught me to fish. We used to go to a fishing rodeo when I was small. One year I caught a catfish and won a bag of potato chips for catching something that wasn't supposed to be in the pond.

10. What's something you're always fishing for in your purse, wallet, desk, or kitchen junk drawer?

A. That little card that you have to have at the grocery store to get the discounts.

11. Your favorite fish tale or movie?

A. Finding Nemo.

12. Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight or night? Explain why you chose your answer.

A. I am twilight, that time when the veil between darkness and light thins and things whisper softly and gently into the ears of those who will listen. Only a few hear.

13. What's the oldest piece of clothing you own and still wear?

A. I have no idea. Probably a bra. Most of my clothes are at least a year old - I generally go shopping once or twice a year and I missed last fall's shopping trip because of my husband's ankle surgery and I missed the spring shopping trip because of the pandemic. It looks like I will miss this fall's shopping trip for the same reason.

14. What's been the best and worst part of your summer so far?

A. The best part has been reading. The worst part has been not being able to simply get up and go wherever I want. We used to take day trips but haven't this summer because we don't want to use public restrooms.

15. Are you a Jimmy Buffet fan? If so, what's your favorite JB tune?

A. Margaritaville. It's really the only one I know, as I am not a fan.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. Loved your answers today.
    Have a great Sunday my friend.

  2. Maybe we should call it "the summer that wasn't".

  3. It's cool that you've managed to quit biting your nails! Brava!

  4. #12...beautiful! We have several similar answers. Loved your answers. Have a nice day!

  5. #14 and 15 are similar this week. And I loved your party for the wildlife!

  6. I'm always trying to keep my FOOT out of my mouth. 😊 Finding Nemo is a great fish tale.
    Answer 1 was terrific! And, like you, reading has saved the year for me. That and re-starting the blog, n the knitting.
    Hope you have a Bonzer week!

  7. I'm gonna have to check into this Sunday stealing meme! I agree about the worst part of this summer!bAnd the best. I've read a lot.


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