Saturday, September 12, 2020

Saturday 9: So Emotional

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Whitney sings that she keeps her lover's photo beside her bed. What's on your bedside table?

A. Medicine, tissues, my watch, and my glasses.

2) She's getting frustrated, waiting for the phone to ring. If your phone were to ring right now, who would you expect to be on the other end?

A. My husband or a friend.

3) The video was filmed at Stabler Arena in Bethlehem, PA. It seats 6,200. As the nation reopens from Covid19, would you feel comfortable sitting knee-to-knee with a stranger in an arena like this?

A. No way.

4) This week's featured artist, Whitney Houston, appeared on the daytime drama As The World Turns. She played herself, performing with Jermaine Jackson at the Miss Cinderella contest in the fictional town of Oakdale. Have you ever been hooked on a soap opera?

A. A very long time ago, I was hooked on Dark Shadows. I also watched The Guiding Light for a while.

5) Whitney had a sweet tooth, and her favorite breakfast cereal was Fruity Pebbles. Do you often eat cereal for lunch or dinner?

A. I generally do not.

6) At Whitney's wedding to Bobby Brown, her bridesmaids all wore lavender dresses and the groomsmen had custom made alligator shoes. Have you ever "stood up" for a friend or relative? If so, do you remember what you wore?

A. I wore some kind of long pink dress in my brother's first wedding. That was a long time ago.

7) In 1987, the year this song was popular, Cher won the Oscar for Moonstruck. Her most famous line was, "Snap out of it!" When you think of Cher, do you first think of her movies, her TV show, or her music?

A. I think of her music, like Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.

8) Michael Douglas won the Oscar that year for Wall Street. His most famous line was, "Greed is good." His character goes on to say that, "Greed in all its forms -- greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge -- has marked the upward surge of all mankind." Do you agree?

A. No. I think love has marked the upward surge for all of mankind, if we are indeed surging upwards (I'm not so sure these days). Love of ideas, love of invention, love of creation, and hopefully love of one another.

9) Random question: When you woke up this morning, were you ready to get out of bed? Or do you wish you could have snoozed for a bit longer?

A. Apparently I needed to sleep an hour past the 6 a.m. alarm. Fortunately, I had no where to go.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. How could I have forgotten Dark Shadows? Every day, after school, me and Barnabas and Victoria Winters. I belong to a classic movie group, and am always surprised to see how many serious and well-regarded performances Joan Bennett gave. She played Elizabeth Stoddard, mistress of Collinwood. But beginning in the silent era and through the early 50s, she was a major actress. She even tested for Scarlett O'Hara.

  2. Of the wedding in the seventies that I were in 3 have lasted

  3. I appreciate your answer to #8 and feel we had similar thoughts on that. Yes, who could have envisioned our country and the battles we are facing even ten years ago. God help us!

  4. A hush falls over Collinwood ...Dark Shadows is the only daytime soap I ever watched.

  5. I like your take on what spurred humanity's upward surge. It sounds so much better than greed.

  6. I love your answer for #8! Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend.

  7. Monday we launch (Mimi Lenox and I) Monday Madness! Hope you can join us. It will post on Sundays.

  8. My neighbor and I were hooked on dark Shadows, too. We'd huddle together on our sofa to watch
    I was 16 and she was 13. We like Barnabas...

  9. I love Cher. She would have been a fun concert to see with all her storytelling.

  10. Read the post below this one... 911 was stunningly horrible.

    "Moonstruck" is great! I watch it now and again.
    Your answer to question 8 is simply "stellar".
    Now I want to see "Dark Shadows"!
    Enjoy the weekend.

  11. most of my friends watched dark shadows but I didn't get into it. Love...

  12. Yes! Dark Shadows! I was hooked on that one, too - but only for the first season or two. Had to go to work full time and lost track of what was happening in Collinwood.


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