Sunday, September 06, 2020

Sunday Stealing

 Sunday Stealing

1. Name a person you like and why you like them.

A. I like (love) my husband. He is strong, compassionate, kind, and gentle.  he believes in hard work and living his life to the fullest. He is intelligent, interesting, and has a giggle instead of a laugh, which is totally endearing. He is brave, truthful, generous, and loyal. He can think fast on his feet. He is not a bully, he doesn't make fun of people, and he doesn't whine. He is not a fair weather friend (only your friend when you agree with him and otherwise ready to cut you out of your life if you don't). 

2. Name a famous person with whom you've been compared.

A. I cannot think of anyone.

3. What is the best thing that happened to you this week?

A. I had an eye exam and did not need a prescription change, so I don't have to spend $500 on new lenses.

4. List weird things you do when you're alone.

A. I talk to myself, I dance, I do puzzles on the computer, and I eat chocolate. None of that is particularly weird, though.

5. How would you spend $10,000?

A. I would purchase a new computer and may a looper for my guitar. (A looper allows you to essentially create an electronic band behind you.)

6. Tell about last night out in detail.

A. My husband came in late from the hayfield. We ate a dinner of chicken, peas, and a roll. He also had peach cobbler with ice cream. I set my video game for a night time set, took a shower, and read a book until we went to bed. Husband also read a book.

7. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it?

A. The state of the world.

8. Name something you're currently worrying about.

A. The state of the world.

9. Name something you do without realizing it.

A. Bite my nails.

10. Tell us a story a drunken story.

A. I don't drink. On one episode of The Big Bang Theory, I remember that Amy got drunk and Leonard and Sheldon had to go pick her up.

11. Name something you regret.

A. I left a job in 1985 that I should have stayed with.

12. Name 5 things within touching distance.

A. A coffee cup, a notebook, my computer, the landline phone, a pencil, a pair of scissors, a calendar, a camera, a stapler, a yellow notepad.

13. What is something you've lied about?

A. I don't know, I try not to lie. Probably some little white lie, like "sure you look lovely in that outfit" when someone really doesn't.

14. What are lyrics that apply to your current mood?

A. From Unwritten, by Natasha Beddingfield 

I'm just beginning
The pen's in my hand
Ending unplanned

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words
That you could not find

15. What is your longest relationship?

A. I suppose that would have to be my relationship with my father, then my brother, not to mention aunts and uncles and cousins I am still occasionally in touch with. I have been with my husband since we started dating in 1982.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I liked all of your answers today.
    Have a good Sunday my friend.

  2. What a wonderful description of your husband for #1.

  3. I had 20-15 vision until hitting 40.Then readers. Now at 68 I need real glasses. I love them because my HD TV looks HD again!

  4. For #1, I chose someone new, not the same people I talk about all the time. However, your description of your husband was endearing.

  5. That is great news from your eye exam! Yay! I need to go get my eyes checked. I am pretty sure I need new glasses.
    I talk to myself too. Loved your answers! Happy Labor Day weekend.

  6. #7 and #8 - the state of the world is very worrying - I focussed on the UK which is slowly self-destructing but the whole world seems to be heading into chaos.




  7. Your tribute to your hubby is wonderful. Staying in love with the love of your life is the greatest feeling.
    It's so good that you didn't need new glasses! What a good thing that you can spend the money on a looper. There are a lot of guitarists on Instagram who make amazing things with one.
    I almost never drink. I feel out of control when it does happen.
    You've remind me of someone, but I can't put my finger on it. When you put up an interview that you did with a docent, I think, it struck me.

  8. #3 Lucky you! I had vision insurance and it still cost me $400. But I can read with my glasses on now, so it’s so much better.

  9. Love what you've said about your hubby! I'd venture that not many folks could say that with a straight face.

  10. I don't think a single one of your weird things is weird. Have you ever seen Rear Window? I don't think Jimmy Stewart watch you through his binoculars. :)


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