Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thursday Thirteen

1. I went out this morning. I saw many people without face masks.

2. I also saw many people with face masks. Virginia tomorrow will make wearing a mask mandatory.

3. It is hard to tell who someone is when they have a face mask on. I mistook a person for someone else because from the profile she looked like a friend.

4. Trying to stay six feet away from people in a store is next to impossible, and the store workers make it the most difficult because they are always stocking. How are you supposed to go down the aisle when they aren't moving?

5. When we checked out, I thought the bill was a bit high but prices on things have increased and I also thought maybe my husband had sneaked something into the cart (he's been known to do that). But when I came home and looked at the receipt, I realized I'd been double charged for three different items, amounting to about $30. One of us will have to go back to the store tomorrow and talk to someone in customer service.

6. Also while we were out, we saw a weird looking plane. It looked like a huge drone. We weren't sure what type of plane it was.

7. My internet connection and landline telephone has been going in and out during the rain. I feel sure there is water getting in the line somewhere, but that will be a difficult thing for the telephone company to fix. I expect I will be calling them a lot during rain showers until this is resolved.

8. The store had empty shelves. Not just in toilet paper, but in cleaning goods, in crafts, and in many other items. Apparently we don't need new clothes during a pandemic - there were plenty of clothes in that area, except for the socks I wanted, of course. 

9. This tells me that something's not right. All is not well in the world when the store shelves are empty. 

10. In fact, the world feels sick when I leave my home. A feeling of weariness overcomes me and I am ready to curl into a ball or hide under the bed.

11. During the course of our visit to another store, I inadvertently stepped in front of a man, coming too close. He immediately moved away and my husband chided me for not paying attention. Rightfully so. I needed the reminder.

12. At this other store, the men were wearing masks and the women weren't. It was the other away around at the first store. Weird.

13. I have physically felt better this spring than I have in a long time. I think wearing a mask will become part of my routine when I am out. But I also think maybe the best place for me is here, at my home, where I've mostly stayed since the middle of March.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list
 here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 657th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. Today I went to a store and was sad that the most of what I wanted was not there. I love to craft and so many crafts are made in China. So I am not surprised for lack of things. I wear a mask at all stores and now it is not required, just recommended. I just don't feel ready to be out in the world when Covid cases are still rising. I wish I could be out in the country. Sorry you were overcharged. That happened to me too. Take care!

  2. i have not been out do not miss it but need to becoming a hermit

  3. Every day out is a big adventure. I saw a friend the last time I went out and said, "I'm socially awkward enough without added this mask." It's hard to interact (but such a small inconvenience).

  4. We could not get inside any grocery store or bank wihout a mask on. There were also planes flying over our town this week. Flying rather low. Here's hoping your shelves are filled again soon.


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