Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. Did you become what you wanted to be when you grew up? Are you happy with your choice?

A. At various times I wanted to be an archeologist, a geologist, an English teacher, a musician, and a writer. I ended up writing. I don't regret it. I did not go exactly where I thought I would with it but I have published literally thousands of articles (and became a photographer to go along with it and published thousands of those, too), and while I am no longer as well-known as I was when I was more active in publishing, I had a satisfying following for a while. The only thing I haven't done that I had expected to do by now is write a book.

2. Did man really go to the moon or was it a publicity stunt?

A. We went to the moon. Really? Is the earth flat, too?

3. Given the opportunity to change one major aspect of your life (i.e. career, relationship, family) with no guarantee of the outcome, would you take the chance? Why?

A. Yes. I would do so with eye closed and heart open and hope for better results in some areas.

4. Does money buy happiness?

A. No, but it buys health insurance.

5. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A. Tell Alexa, "Stop." She is my alarm. Then I crawl out of bed, put on my slippers, and go to the little women's room.

6. What are we going to do when we run out of room to bury the dead?

A. Cremate.

7. What is your greatest fear? Why? Is it rational or unreasonable?

A. My greatest fear is ending up alone and homeless, living under a bridge. It is probably not rational but I also do not think, given the current political climate, that it is unreasonable should something happen to my husband.

8. How do you feel about the exploitation of your private data in the digital age? Does it ever cross your mind or are you hyper-aware of the risks?

A. I am very aware of it and have taken precautions where feasible. I have even put off buying a new car because I am aware that they are tracking everything now in a vehicle. They may be doing that in my 2014 Camry but it wouldn't be as complete as what they are doing now. I read an article about this in Reader's Digest at lunch today.

9. You can be forgiven one debt. What is it? If you don’t have debt, then how did you do it?

A. I guess that would be paying off a tractor.

10. Hot or cold?

A. Hot or cold . . . what? Cold water, hot tea.

11. What is your favorite thing in the world (aside from family, friends, pets)?

A. An internet connection.

12. You have to give up one of your five senses. Which one would you go without?

A. Taste, I guess. I need my eyes and ears and I couldn't type I suppose without touch.

13. Do you believe everyone has a doppelgänger?

A. I think we all have someone who looks a bit like us though maybe not at the same time in history. I've been mistaken for someone else on occasion, and have mistaken others for someone else.

14. Likewise, does everyone have a soulmate or is it just a matter of proximity and circumstance?

A. It is probably circumstance but the idea of a soulmate is nice.

15. Imagine you have a theme song that plays every time you enter a room. What would your song be?

A. Suicide is Painless (The Theme from MASH) with the words.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. They are tracking us in a hundred different ways. Might as well use the car, too. :P
    That's quite the theme song (and yes, I know the words...well, some of them).

  2. Flat earthers are the weirdest and funniest of all the conspiracy theorists - or possibly David Icke who is now blaming Coronavirus on 5G masts.




  3. "I'm going to go away and live under the bridge." That's what my friend Henry always says when he gets super depressed.

    Your answer to #4 made me smile because it was so right on!

  4. You've got some very thought-provoking answers.

  5. It is absolutely crazy that they need to track everyone. I hate it.
    The flat earth people crack me up! Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  6. 4-Health insurance...isn’t that the truth!
    7. I’ve always had that fear in the back of my head. I guess that’s because of being a single Mom with a deadbeat exhb.
    8. Whoever has a smartphone, they are being tracked. Especially when people talk about flattening the curve for the coronavirus. They mention “contact tracking” to find out who has been in close proximity to you, if you test positive, and say they will do it with your cell phone. For iPhones it would be through the “Find My Phone” app.
    11. So true right now. Our internet has been going in and out. Nothing can be done, it’s AT&T and they have every excuse you could think of.
