Thursday, March 05, 2020

Thursday Thirteen

1. Reconnected with an old former editor/writer person yesterday. No longer a journalist, but then, it's not a job anymore that people want. Who wants to be "an enemy of the people" simply because you attend a government meeting?

2. I don't mean to offend those who support #45, but couldn't someone take his tweeter away and tell him to shut up while the adults deal with a health crisis?

3. If you're a retail dealer with a loyalty card, can't you tell your clerks not to handle the loyalty card and use the damn scan gun? Sheesh.

4. I recently finished reading a 700-page fantasy book. Fantasy books are always very long. It takes many words to build a world.

5. There is nothing like the smell of books in the library.

6. March came in rather lamb-like. But we will have wind. The wind is always a sure thing.

7. I noticed lots of trees budding while I was out this morning.

8. The days are growing longer but the sunshine seems dim. We have had too many days of cloud clover.

9. Writer's block is not a real thing. That's what I've told myself for years. And years. And years.

10. This is the first year I ever remember turning the air conditioning on in January.

11. I would like to see a shooting star crash in the field near my house. Just a little one. Then I could catch a falling star and put it in my pocket, save it for a rainy day.

12. The times they are a'changin' and people are gonna have to accept it whether they like or not. That goes for me, too.

13. Is it the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, or the Apocalypse, or is it something totally unknown. I go for the latter one. Tomorrows are always unknowns.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 646th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. The Age of Aquarius, or the Apocalypse? Great question. So sad #1 and 2.

  2. Our living room is a library. I love it. The delete button doesn't help me get past my writer's block.

  3. Yes, we have the wind, too. I have given up on having decent looking hair when I go out.

  4. Love #2 and as for #11...groan.


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