Friday, March 13, 2020

Empty Shelves

Apparently the naysayers decided in the last two days that maybe the global corona virus isn't a Democratic hoax after all. The stores around here, which is a Republican stronghold, emptied out quickly. Somebody's listening to the so-called "fake media," I think.

Not much toilet paper at Walmart on Thursday.

Dried beans are a hot commodity at Food Lion.

Want drinking water? You're out of luck.

No toilet paper at Food Lion, either.
I took these photos early this morning; I understand from a friend that the shelves are sparser now.

My brother, who I think up until yesterday also thought this was a media overkill issue, told my husband last night to tell me to stay home for the next two months because of my asthma and respiratory issues. My sibling had attended a seminar for small business owners and apparently the speakers got through to him that this is serious stuff.

Don't panic, but be prudent. Take precautions.

Wash your hands and sing Old McDonald or Happy Birthday or something.

As for me, I might listen to my brother and keep my butt inside.

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