Friday, August 02, 2019

These Dreams

I have been dreaming a lot lately. Strange dreams.

Last night, I dreamed that I opened the door to find a naked woman there. She was my tenant in my rental house (though not actually the person who lives there now, and not someone to whom I've ever rented. Actually I think it was my cousin's wife, who is not named Meaghan, although that was the name of the tenant in the dream. I've also not seen my cousin's wife in several years.). Meaghan (?) said she'd sublet the rental and the person had changed the locks and locked her out.

This did not explain the nakedness, but I invited her in (after telling my husband to go in the other room) and told her I would see if I had some clothes she could wear, though I doubted I had little that would fit her. I found a few things and a piece of rope to hold up the pants (even in my dreams, I know I'm overweight).

Then the two of us took off to wander around the streets of the city until I could find a lawyer. Apparently we did so, for the next thing I remember is seeing paperwork written up with myself and my tenant as plaintiffs against  . . . someone. Some person who would not leave and would not let me back onto my own property.

I remember too the sound of a gavel, the nasally voice of a female judge, and sirens.

What I don't remember is a verdict or an ending. I remember fussing at my tenant a great deal, because I'd not given her permission to sublet in the first place. I remember feeling badly for her because she had no clothes. I was doing my best to help but my efforts to ensure the safety of my tenant and restore my property were proving rather fruitless. I felt helpless and began to roam the streets again, alone this time (I don't know what I did with Meaghan). Everything was askew and I didn't know where I was.

My husband's snoring woke me up.

My little abridged book of dreams from Zadkiels Book of Dreams & Fortune Telling, purchased when I was 10 years old for the steep price of 35 cents, tells me this . . .

Misfortune - to dream some misfortune has happened to you is a dream of contrary - you will be very fortunate in business and in love. (Oh, yay!)

Naked - to be naked foretells disgrace, misfortune, business losses and unhappiness in marriage. Hmm. I wasn't the one who was naked, though. That was someone else. So somebody else can worry about all that bad stuff, right?

Lawsuit - dreaming you have a lawsuit or any case of litigation prognosticates very heavy losses in business and great difficulties. Avoid lending money or making purchases immediately after this dream. Oh dear.

I don't really believe dreams foretell anything except for things that may be weighing on my mind. I do like reading the implications from the dream book, though. 

However what, if any of this stuff in this dream is weighing on me is beyond me. I've been so busy working on the official county 250th anniversary magazine I have not had much time to worry over much.

1 comment:

  1. Solve everything… Next time just don’t answer your door in your dream. LOL don’t do too much and overdo it with that leg. But I can’t wait to see the anniversary magazine!


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