Sunday, May 05, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. Name three things you love about yourself.

A. This is rather hard. I don't think kindly of myself often. Let's see if I can do this. (1) I love that I give of myself to my community. (2) I love that I have a strong relationship with my brother (not all siblings can say that). (3) I love that I have talents, such as writing, playing the guitar, and I love that I have some brains.

2. What’s the bravest thing you ever did?

A. Hmm. Married at 20? No, lots of people do that. Let me go ask my husband. He says it is a tie between going up in a hot air balloon or taking a plane ride in a two-seater with a known drunk piloting the plane.

3. Talk about the craziest night of your life.

A. It was a Halloween party. Big bonfire. Lots of drugs floating around in the air. I slipped in by being in the trunk of a car.

4. Name three things you want in life.

A. To be healthy, to be a good person, and to be helpful to others.

5. Who’s your biggest celebrity crush?

A. I don't really have those, but I liked Viggo Mortenson and Orlando Bloom in the Lord of the Rings movies. However, I do not find either of them attractive in other movies.

6. What’s your most common mistake?

A. I overestimate people.

7. Which three things would you save if there was a fire?

A. Well, the question says "things" so obviously we're not talking about people. I'd grab my wedding ring, my backup hard drive for the PC, and either a camera or a guitar.

8. What’s your favorite sport?

A. I don't play any sports, but I like to watch ice skating/dancing.

9. Talk about something good that recently happened to you.

A. I was asked to be the head of the sub-committee in charge of writing the official 250th anniversary magazine for my county, which celebrates a big birthday next year. So far this means I'm writing most of the magazine and worrying myself dreadfully over it because I seem to BE the committee, but it was an honor to be asked.

10. Which fictional world would you want to live in if you could?

A. Middle Earth.

11. What’s one thing you can never say no to?

A. A hug.

12. Talk about a childhood memory.

A. When I was about four, I was playing outside with a little chair around a tree. I was whipping the tree for being a bad tree when I looked down and saw a snake curled around it. It's a wonder I wasn't bitten. I raced in the house, so frightened I could barely speak, and finally made my mother understand there was a snake around the tree. She called my father, and he came home and killed it. I think it was a corn snake but I'm not sure.

13. Name five things you find attractive in others.

A. Loyalty, integrity, honor, trust, and intellect.

14. Are you good at making final decisions or do you easily change your mind?

A. Once I've made a decision, I usually stick with it. Getting to that point can be a challenge sometimes.

15. Name three guilty pleasures of yours.

A. Eating chocolate, although I have stopped that at the moment; playing video games; staring out the window.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I love memes because they give the opportunity to hear what people think/do/believe. I enjoyed reading your answers today. Staring out the window is one thing so many of us share ;)

  2. Your snake story made me think of another memory. I liked to sit under the trees and write books and draw. These are homeade nonsense books, not the kind you write....I was also really young. Ok. I had left my "book" under the tree and I picked it up to write some more in it and there was a green snake under my book. I was so scared! I ran away and I never wrote under the trees again. Kind of sad. I still hate snakes. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  3. I certainly understand volunteering to be part of a committee and ending up being expected to do it all. We had written 2 book about a theater company in San Francisco and when they wanted a third book and asked if we would "help" not only did I end up being in charge (even my co-author quit), but nobody did anything I said had to be done in order to get the book written so I quit and it never got done. Too bad because it would have been a valuable thing to do, given this company's longevity (65 years)

  4. Whew! I thought I was the only person who thought Viggo and Orlando were a total bust other than the LTR movies. I don't even think Orlando was cute in the Pirates movies.

  5. Your snake story gave me the creeps!

  6. Way to go on being asked for the magazine thing. That's amazing.
    Video games- good answer for the guilty pleasure. I should have thought of that.

  7. Good answers.. the first question I couldn’t answer the way it is structured because I love most everything about me. I’m a fantastic and unique person If I didn’t I would change what I don’t like. I’m working on changing one aspect now which would be giving to much to others without thinking of myself and my feelings in the mix. I like the feeling I get when I can make someone happy, make life not so alone and make things fun, make someone smile but at times the residual effects...


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