Tuesday, April 09, 2019

How Turkeys Mate

This morning I saw a first - I saw a gobbler catch his hen and have his way with her.

It started out odd. The hen was on the ground in front of the gobbler, almost like she'd bowed down to him. Then he climbed on top of her. I was watching from a window and I confess my first thought was, "What the hell is going on?" and then I realized, as I watched the gobbler start to thrust, that they were having sex.

I had not given much thought to how turkeys have sex.

It went on long enough for me to leave the bedroom and into my office to grab a camera and get back to the window in time to take about 35 photos. I mean, how often do you get to see this?

Like, next to never.

This is from a science website:

"If the female turkey is receptive to his advances she will lower herself in front of the male. The male hops up on top of the female to mate with her. Sperm is transferred from the male's cloaca to the female's cloaca. The cloaca is the name for the vent that leads to the turkeys' sex organs. The turkeys place their vents next to each other in order to allow the transference of sperm."

So that is what I was watching in scientific terms.

Holy cow. Or maybe "totally turkey."


  1. I have seen it several times during spring turkey season. I let him do his business then whack him. At least he died happy!

  2. WOW - holy turkey! I have never seen that! Thanks for grabbing the camera and sharing...just a little turkey porn...HA HA! Annster's Domain

  3. Just like chickens. I once had a pet Tom turkey who regularly raped unwilling ducks.


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