Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Hair of the Dog

My hair is a problem.

No, that is not true. My hair is doing what hair does - grow and turn gray.

The problem is I don't have a regular place to go for a haircut.

This began back in November when my hairdresser of 30+ years retired. She gave little warning of her decision and I was left with a few names and a prayer.

When I became a little shaggy in December, I went to a walk-in place and the girl did an okay job. In early January, I went to a woman I have known all of my life and she did a nice job, but I thought she overcharged me by about $10. She also only works three days a week and is hard to get in to see.

I ended up back at the walk-in place in early February. I saw a different person who gave me the second-worst haircut I have ever had in my life. (The worst haircut occurred when I was 20 and getting ready to be married. I mean literally just two weeks from my wedding day.)

In early March, I went to a different walk-in place and that was a good haircut and a decent price. But it is a 30-minute drive away.

Today I returned to the place where I'd went for 30 years, only to see a different stylist. I was hunting for a familiarity in this effort, thinking the familiar surroundings would offer comfort.

I don't think I will go back.

It is easy to do things out of habit and complacency. For some time, when I was seeing my old beautician (let's call her Barb for fun - that is not her name), I'd noticed that when I left the salon I stunk. Not as in sweaty stink but as in perm or hair solution or something stink. For a good two or three years, maybe longer, after Barb cut my hair once a month, I then came home and took a second shower.

If I didn't my asthma kicked in and that is no fun.

I'd forgotten that problem in my hopes of easing the unease I feel wandering into strange places in hunting a hair dresser. I remembered it today while I was sitting in the chair having my hair trimmed. I guess a place that has been a hair salon for 30 years is going to smell like perms and hair solution, and that stuff is going to get on your clothes so badly that you have to come home, shower, and wash even your light jacket because it picks up the scent.

Mostly, though, I won't go back because the stylist today told me that Barb had returned to work part-time, and was working three days a week. But Barb hadn't let me know. I was stung and hurt when I learned of this. Thirty years of loyalty and this was my reward?

This is now my choice, to roam about hunting for a hair stylist. I hope I never tie myself to one person for beauty treatments again.

Maybe it is better to look a little different every month (even if it is with the Second Worst Haircut of Your Life).

Perhaps it builds character.

Life is a little more complicated every day, and it shouldn't be so difficult. But I'm not going to let it bother me, because it is only hair.


  1. I do hope you find someone you love to do your hair. For years I went anywhere that was cheapest until someone destroyed my hair with a wonky haircut - I cried and found Ann to fix it! I have followed her around every since! She makes me look good and that is not an easy feat! I already told her she can not EVER retire and I think she is ok with that - LOL!!! Good luck in your hunt! HugsAnnster's Domain

  2. The last time I went to a hair dresser was maybe 50 years ago, and it was such a traumatic experience I never went back. I simply cannot stand having someone yank at my hair to 'get the tangles out", it hurts, dammit. I learned to cut my own, or let it grow out a bit, and be done with it. But I can sympathize with you, and it does seem that many hair stylists have their own agenda (or none at all) as to what works for each client. I wish you well in your search, truly.

  3. I wish you would give me a try, get my number from Loren.. I’m not far... Hollins. And it is just me, no other people.


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