Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing: Songs by Queen

1. Bohemian Rhapsody - What matters to you more than anything in the world?

A. My husband.

2. Don’t Stop Me Now - What makes you feel unstoppable?

A. Being right.

3. Another One Bites The Dust - What one thing would you wipe off the face of the earth?

A. War.

4. Under Pressure - How stressed are you currently?

A. Pretty stressed.

5. We Will Rock You - What was the last concert you went to?

A. Tommy Emanuel, a guitar player, at a local concert venue.

6. Somebody To Love - Are you looking for somebody to love?

A. No, I have somebody to love. I wouldn't mind having a few more friends. I love the ones I have but I wish I had someone simply to go shopping with sometimes.

7. We Are The Champions - What achievement are you most proud of? 

A. Being married for 35 years is quite an achievement. I am also proud of the writing I have done.
8. Radio GaGa - What do you think of today’s popular music?

A. Not much. I don't listen to it anymore.

9. I Want To Break Free - If you could move to any part of the world, where would you want to live?

A. I am fine where I am although if something were to happen to my husband I might move to a patio home in a college town.

10. Love Of My Life - Have you ever had your heart broken?

A. Who hasn't?

11. Killer Queen - What is your favourite thing about yourself?

A. I'm pretty smart. Not a stable genuis, though. Just intelligent.

12. The Show Must Go On - What is something you will never give up?

A. Love.

13. Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Name some of your favourite musicians.

A. Sheryl Crow, Melissa Etheridge, The Pretenders, Pat Benetar, Linda Rondstadt, Stevie Nicks, Nancy Wilson (Heart).

14. Who Wants To Live Forever - If you could be immortal, would you?

A. Not unless it would at a certain age. I don't want to continue to grow old and become a withered up blob. Now if a vampire had bit me when I was in my mid-30s that might have been OK.

15. Fat Bottomed Girls - What are some traits you look for in a partner?

A. Intelligence and loyalty.

16. I Want It All - If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?

A. Self confidence.


  1. Your answer to #14 cracked me up..vampire bit you in your mid 30's....hahahaha...isn't that the truth. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  2. I have an opportunity to see Heart in concert in July. I should take it!

  3. I wish I could give you eyes to see yourself as others see you so you would have that self-confidence. You have so many things to be proud of and that you are good at!

  4. Loved your vampire answer!!! I agree completely with that. Just one age and never growing old.
    I would go shopping with you. I can shop with the best of them ;)

  5. Oh ya, you are pretty smart alright.
    #13 is a great list!
    I wish you a lady friend from town, and you could meet up regularly, have coffee and cake, and a good old chin wag! You may very well meet such a person with your new assignment for the 250th.
    I'd love to jam with you, but my thumb doesn't even like the computer anymore, and the neck of a guitar is lots worse. Uke? That might be ok for me and I have one of those puppies.

  6. Love the Vampire answer! Have a great rest of your Sunday!

  7. Good answers. I hope you find your self confidence. And a vampire doesn't come to call.


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