Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thursday Thirteen

These are random shots from around my community.

This is a monument to the Painter Chapel, which a long time ago was a church in
the Catawba area. I am descended from the Painters who donated the land
for the church.

This is the county courthouse.

This is called the Douglass Building. It once was a salon/tavern/hotel.

This is called the "Old Jail" and it was used as a library for a long time. It now
houses the local chamber of commerce.

This sign details the fire that burned down the courthouse in 1970.

This is called the Godwin Cottage.

This is a gazebo in the park in Fincastle.

These are very old graves at the Presbyterian cemetery.

This is a house in Fincastle and it has a name but I can't remember what it is right now.

This is the former Fincastle Baptist Church. It is now a private residence.

This is the town of Fincastle. The photo was taken from the Godwin Cemetery.

This is the former Troutville High School building. It is now an auction house.

This is a bank building in Troutville.

This is the Bank of Fincastle building.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 593rd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. Thanks for the tour! Oh what I would not give to live in the Godwin cabin! Absolutely perfect! Hugs Annster's Domain

  2. So many classic Virginia buildings and scenes. I feel like I've been here but I haven't actually.

  3. You have a lot of nice brickwork there. The Douglas House kind of reminds me of a place my great-greats live in before the war. Civil War, that is.

  4. You have a lot of red-brick buildings. I love that look. Strong, steady, solid.

  5. I have never heard of the Thursday Thirteen meme, but so enjoyed reading yours today that I might participate in the future. I so enjoyed all the pictures. What a quaint area in which to live. I love the idea of using the old church as a residence and would love to see how they converted it inside. Thanks for sharing these.


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