Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Latin phrases that start with "A"

1. ab absurdo - from the absurd

2. ab initio - from the beginning

3. a contrario - from the opposite

4. ad absurdum - to absurdity

5. ad hoc - to this

6. ad infinitum - to infinity

7. ad nauseam - to seasickness

8. addendum - thing to be added

9. alias  - at another time, otherwise

10. alma mater - nourishing mother

11. alter ego - another I

12. aurora borealis - northern dawn

13. Ave Maria - Hail, Mary

My alter ego being a contrario determined to ad hoc this Thursday Thirteen. My alias, assuming my alma mater did not care if I did or did not see the aurora borealis, went with ad absurdo to find a topic, especially since I did not start ab initio but waited until very late in the day. I could not miss a day since I have written a TT ad infinitum, but this type of topic is ad nauseam when you have nothing else to say. I could bid you all Ave Maria but I think that only work if you're Catholic. As an addendum, let me note that this is a contrario to the type of thing I normally do.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 592nd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. A clever post, Virginia. I like it. Reading your paragraph was a treat and surprise when I came to it because I was trying to hold in my head that #8, 9, and 11 phrases are Latin.

  2. It's interesting how we have taken the Latin and made our own, albeit similar meanings.


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