Sunday, February 03, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

Part 2 of something. Surely I did Part 1, but I can't find it link back to.

16) What is your favorite wild animal?

A. I consider the deer to be my spirit animal and totem.

17) Name 3 of your favorite childhood shows:

A. Isis, Bugs Bunny, and Batman. (I was also partial to Dark Shadows though I wasn't supposed to be watching it.)

18) If you could live as a character in a movie, who would it be?

A. I would be an elf extra in Lord of the Rings.

19) Favorite vegetable?

A. Oh hell, I don't know. Potato?

20) Favorite fruit?

A. Sigh. Um. Fruit. Fruit. Watermelon.

21) If you had a dragon what would you name it?

A. Antigone.

22) What do you put on hotdogs?

A. Catsup and relish. No onions, no chili, nothing else.

23) Do you play online games?

A. Yes.

24) What's your favorite way to get inspired?

A. Take a walk or read a book.

25) Do you have a middle name?

A. Yes.

26) If you had to order from a kid's menu, what would you get?

A. A junior cheeseburger.

27) Do you speak any other languages?

A. Yo hablo muy poco EspaƱola.

28) Do you use Twitter?

A. I have an account but I don't use it much.

29) Do you go onto YouTube?

A. Sometimes. I like to watch videos of guitar players.

Check out this version of Nancy Wilson and Heart playing Crazy on You. That chick can play that guitar. Probably the most underrated female guitar player ever. And she does it in high heels.

30) Do you play Angry Birds?

A. No, I never have.


I encourage you to visit other participants in
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. Another ketchup and relish gal!! Yay! Have a great Sunday and week!

  2. Ah, Barnabas Collins! How could I have denied my favorite after-school vampire?

  3. Mmmm, watermelon. I live on it every summer. I got a kick out of watermelon this year....they were these little soccer ball (or smaller) seedless versions labeled "personal watermelon". Like a personal pan pizza, which cracked me up. I'm standing in the fruit section laughing my head off, and hubs is looking at me like what is WRONG with you. Makes me laugh just thinking about it.

  4. You and I both gave the same answer to the "middle name" question.

  5. I had a difficult time narrowing it down to three shows from childhood! I could have picked the same shows you did. (Even being discouraged from watching Dark Shadows!)

    Thank you for the Heart video link--I forget how much I loved them. So fierce and so under appreciated!

  6. I am just sayin'...the hotdog talk is making me hungry. Hahahahaha Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  7. The crow is my spirit animal. I know all's well whenever I hear one, especially when things aren't going so easy. Antigone the Dragon, I like.

  8. My spirit animal is the otter according to my Birthday, which didn't impress me until I learned more about them. I also watched Batman, Isis and Dark Shadows but my mom knew. On Saturday's I coun't miss underdog or Mighty Mouse. ( thought you'd appreciate the mention of these because of the underdog mention in a past post and the Mighty Mouse reference because of your Christmas Mouse.) Guilty! Latch- key kid here so I watched tons of TV which may be why I don't watch so much now. Ha!ha!


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