Saturday, September 08, 2018

Saturday 9: Gotta Travel On

Saturday 9: Gotta Travel On (1959)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, the Billy Grammer sings that "summer's almost gone, winter's coming on." When you look out your window, do you see any evidence that the seasons are changing?

A. Yes. The leaves are changing, there is a tinge of yellow in the air, and the goldenrod is blooming. The bucks are roaming around still in velvet, but it won't be long before their horns are showing.

 2) He admits he has laid around and played around for too long. Do you consider lazy days to be wasted days?

A. Not anymore. I used to, but no day is a wasted day.

3) Billy relaxed by fishing. Tell us about a visit you made to a pier, or a ride you took on a boat, this past year. (Bonus points if you went fishing!)

A. I have not visited a pier or been on a boat in the past year.

4) Born in 1925, Mr. Grammer was the eldest of 13 children. He and his wife Ruth were childless. What do you think is the ideal size for a family?

A. Two adults and two children.

5) This song was very popular on juke boxes back in 1959. When were you last in a bar or restaurant that had a juke box? Did you play it?

A. I don't remember when I was last in a restaurant with a juke box.

6) In 1959, movie tickets zoomed up in price to $1.00 and Ben Hur was the big blockbuster. What's the last movie you saw in a theater? Do you remember how much the ticket cost?

A. I think the last movie we saw in the theater was a Star Wars film. We went to the matinee and the tickets were $9.50 each.

7) Huckleberry Hound was a hit with the younger audience in 1959. What cartoon did you enjoy as a kid?

A. I liked Bugs Bunny.

8) In 1959, continuing dramas (soap operas) were still broadcast each day on the radio. When you turn on the radio, do you listen for talk, news, or music?

A. I listen to music and NPR.

9) Random question -- Which competition would you rather judge: The Pillsbury Bake Off, The Miss America Pageant, or Dancing with the Stars?

A. The Pillsbury Bake Off.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. Wow, I can't believe your leaves are starting to change and ours aren't. We've got the rest of that going on, though. The goldenrod and other allergy inducing things are going strong right now. Everyone is miserable. Maybe all the rain this weekend will help...but then we'll have mold. Geez. Have a great day!

  2. Watching Bugs Bunny as an adult, I can see that he was pretty subversive. I wonder if he appealed to your rebellious streak.

    I think the unusually long stretches of rain and warmth has kept the trees here a little greener a little longer. The village is replacing the sewer system so our front lawn (and the street and sidewalk) are quite literally gone. Replaced by holes and cement and dust and heavy equipment. So I have no idea how the grass would fare in these tropical conditions.

  3. I'm just thankful for the rain we are having and cooler temps. Leaves won't turn for a while. We are going to Virginia in October and I hope to see some pretty colors.

  4. Fall is my favorite season. I think that it is when everything looks so pretty and colorful and when there is just a slight chill in the air it’s hot chocolate time!! Number 9 is hard!! I can’t choose between the cook-off or dancing. Maybe I should judge the cook-off and just go dancing after! Lol! Have a great weekend!

  5. I used to listen all the time at my desk at work but now I don't listen to it that much.

  6. I am glad you are seeing season changes. It will be a bit for me. We do have ragweed though and I suppose that is a sign. hahahaha.

    I enjoyed your answers! Have a nice weekend!

  7. I used to feel guilty for having lazy days but now I realize they're self care/recharge days.

  8. I love NPR, just not on a radio. I listen to most things on the computer.
    Let's judge the Pillsbury bake off together.
    Bugs is one of the best of the comics. So fun!

  9. I don't even know if they still show Bugs Bunny any more. It was classic stuff though.

  10. Yes, Bugs Bunny and The Pillsbury Bake Off, seems we were in good company with that answer. We are going to Williamsburg, Va, so we really won't be far from the coast. Crossing my fingers!


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