Monday, September 03, 2018

Kitchen Update

Kitchen with reinstalled cabinet and dishwasher

The kitchen is partially back together. We have a sink and a dishwasher again. The floor, however, remains a problem.

Being old, that little 1/4 inch drop is something we must watch to keep from tripping. I've put a few mats down in hopes of helping that, but we also are tripping over the mats. Yikes!

We are having difficulty finding tile people and getting quotes from flooring companies. I'm not sure what the deal is - it's not a small job. Or maybe that's the problem, it's a big job.

Anyway, the cabinet facing is the old one. The "furniture hospital" removed the facing and put it into a new box. They also fixed the toe board on the cabinet to the left of the dishwasher.

Stay tuned as we try to sort out the kitchen floor. I'm hoping before Christmas . . .


  1. It’s getting there. :-) Hope the difference doesn’t cause a fall! Be careful.

  2. Looks like it won't be long now. That drop off is just enough to spell trouble. I hope you get your floor very soon.


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