Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday Thirteen

1. I received my copy of Artemis, a local artistic journal, in the mail yesterday.

2. One of the poems is by our very own Colleen, who writes over at Looseleaf Notes.

3. I recognized many other names in the issue. Many of them I know and not just from Facebook.

4. Submitting a poem for this edition had been on my to-do list, but then I caught the flu or something in January and was so sick I forgot about it.

5. I haven't submitted poetry to anything in a long time, but I have had poetry published.

6. Short stories also are writing I have submitted and had accepted, or won a prize for, but I haven't submitted any of those in a while either.

7. Time to get back to it, don't you think?

8. I throw away a lot of lettuce (which has absolutely nothing to do with writing). From what people tell me, I am not the only one.

9. Lettuce is necessary for a good salad, but the romaine lettuce became a source of e-coli and so I stopped buying it.

10. I used to grow my own leaf lettuce in the garden, but this year our garden consists of two pots with tomato plants in them.

11. Nothing about this is making any sense, but that's because I'm writing something in a hurry and my brains aren't focused on this work but are instead leaping ahead to an appointment I need to go to and some shopping I need to do.

12. My husband's birthday is Saturday but we have said we aren't exchanging presents because we recently purchased a new TV.

13. I ought to at least buy him a card.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 554th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I know lots of people in Artemis too! I'll be looking for your name next!

  2. I'm still eating lettuce, despite the ecoli, but not Romain. At the moment I'm substituting Napa cabbage.


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