Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Bad Cantaloupe

Most fruits taste good to me. I like apples, grapes, berries of all kinds, bananas, etc. Some fruits I can't eat as well as I did before I had my gallbladder removed, but I have learned which ones I can eat in moderation.

I am not overly fond of pineapple, but I will eat it, and I love oranges, but they make my ears itch, so I don't eat them anymore. Allergies sometimes come out in strange ways and anything that makes your ears itch is probably not something your system likes.

But melons, cantaloupe in particular, are not fruit I eat, with one exception. Watermelon is its own category - I love a good cold watermelon. But cantaloupe? While I can tolerate it and have eaten it in the, past, it is probably the one fruit I overlook and pass over most often.

Cantaloupe has a mealy texture, for one thing, and it's also orange, for another. Orange is not my favorite color.

However, the real reason I pass over cantaloupe, though, is because I will taste for two days if I eat it. It will make me burp, give me indigestion, and set off a digestive issue that not only do I not want, I don't deserve it, either.

So cantaloupe, while I know you're good for weight loss, you're not so good for me.

This little essay is part of the the April challenge from Kwizgiver. April 10 done! (A fruit you dislike and why.) 

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