Sunday, March 04, 2018

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing: Art Historic

Classical: If you were an Olympian god, what would you be known for?

A. I would be known for giving good advice and then not being heard. I think that's the myth of Cassandra - already been done.

Byzantine: Do you prefer gold or silver accessories?

A. Silver (or white gold)

Medieval: Are you religious?

A. I am spiritual. Make of it what you will.

Gothic: What is your favourite historic building?

A. My local courthouse. It was allegedly designed by Thomas Jefferson.

Renaissance: Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt enlightened or changed?

A. Yes.

Baroque: Do you enjoy the finer things in life?

A. Yes.

Rococo: Is your bedroom full of trinkets and pictures? If so, which pictures adorn your walls?

A. I have one picture on the wall, and very few "trinkets" in the bedroom. I try to keep it as dust-free as possible.

Neoclassicism: If something came back into fashion, what do you hope it would be?

A. Civility and manners.

Romanticism: Do you often see things in a positive light?

A. Not really, no. Gee, is it dark in here?

Pre-Raphaelite: Which book would you like to see turned into a film?

A. The Idiot's Guide to Losing Weight.

Impressionism: Do you look for details or take everything in at once?

A. I do both. I'm good that way.

Art Nouveau: When were you last at the theatre?

A. As in the "theatre" as opposed to a movie theater? It has been a few years.

Surrealism: Why does the porcupine think it's a duck?

A. Because it is quackers.

Pop Art: Do you enjoy pop culture?

A. Yes.

Contemporary: What did you do today?

A. I came home to my house to find the electricity on (I'm writing this on Saturday) after being without it for 21.5 hours, and proceeded to empty the refrigerator and clean it out, catch up on correspondence (including Saturday 9 and Sunday Stealing) and test out multiple electric items to see what fried when the substation down the road blew up on Thursday night. It was an amazing sight to see the substation explode, but it was also amazing and scary to be in a house not far from it when it did. The lights went crazy, with lights that were off trying to come on, and we lost several surge protectors, an air purifier, and a transformer to the power recliner. I watched the air purifier turn into something from Ghostbusters as it lit up and developed an electric glow all around it. Scary stuff.


I encourage you to visit other participants in
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. Thanks for sharing! Have a nice week :)

  2. Wow. Scary indeed! I like your civility and manners answer. My mind didn't go in that direction

  3. We thought the same way about what we hope comes back in fashion. :)
    Health problems can have a way of turning our perspective, I hope you are able to be totally healthy again one day and smile more about life.
    I would be in big, big trouble if I had to keep my environment dust free. I think everything here is geared toward making dust....pets, kids, pellet stove, the husband.

  4. 😮. You had some winter fire works alright. Sounds like fun...NOT! Film at 11?
    Last month, one of the construction trucks at the infill of our neighborhood hit a pole and knocked it down. That made for some interesting surges and a final slow dimming to dark.. SDG&E had it all back up at six the next morning, bless their hearts.
    Civility is alive and well among the people. Though it’s hard to be civil, we manage. LOVED you answer to the duck question. 😂

  5. I said manners, too. How did courtesy go out of style?


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