Sunday, October 01, 2017

Sunday Stealing: Creepy Crawlies

Sunday Stealing

1. You are walking down the road and you look down. There is a bug. Do you step on it?

A.  Probably not. It is outside where it belongs and not bothering me.

2. What is one fantasy that you want to come true more than any other?

A. I'd like to see peaceful, powerful aliens come along and straighten us out before humanity totally destroys itself.

3. Someone knocks on your door. Do you look out the window to see who it is before you open it? Do you open it regardless of who it is?

A. I look to see who it is before I open it. I do not always open it.

4. Have you ever eaten Play Doh?

A. Not within recent memory.

5. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon as a child and why?

A. I liked the more "real life" things like Land of the Lost and H.R. Puffenstuff, in part because it was easier for me to identify with real people, and because they were fantasies that played into my imagination.

6. Are you a “people watcher”?

A. Yes. They are very insect-like you know, always busy scurrying about, head to their phones, not looking up. Some are ants, some are grasshoppers. Some are magnificent butterflies. Some are worker bees. Some are stink bugs.

7. I have a bowl of fruit. There are apples, oranges & pears. You help yourself to one - which one do you choose?

A. Apple.

8. What is your biggest pet peeve in the blogging world?

A. Scam ads in the comment section.

9. What is one religion that you could just never see yourself joining?

A. Southern Baptist. I go to Baptist church services sometimes, but it is a very militant and non-inclusive version of Christianity and I would not join the religion. It's for white males and Republicans, and I am neither. I was baptized in the Church of the Brethren, which is a more pacifist religion.

10. What word do you use far too often?

A. Interesting.

11. How long do you spend in the shower?

A. About 5 minutes, but I shower twice a day.

12. If you were to write a personal ad about yourself, what would it say?

A. Am I like, for sale or what? I don't understand the question.

13. Your favorite flavor of soup is . . . ?

A. Chicken with rice.

14. You are sitting on a bench in the park and a bug walks in front of your feet…. do you squash him?  (I am assuming this is a different bug from question #1)

A. Again, the poor bug is not hurting me. It's not in my house flying into my lights or puking on my curtains. The little critter can crawl on off to whatever hole it likes.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them. Today I am celebrating my 200th Sunday Stealing!


  1. I like your observations on people as bugs. Very accurate. I hope I'm not viewed as a stink bug! LOL I once knew a guy who was a huge people watcher, but he said it was because life is a circus and the freak show will never be short of acts.

  2. I am pretty sure you are not a stink bug. :-) I don't people watch on a regular basis but I tire easily and I would rather watch the crowds than look at my cell phone.

  3. Oh yes on 8! “Scam ads” are in the comment in many apps, too. Like Instagram.
    I didn’t get 12 either but just had some fun with it.
    People are interesting to watch. And, in the movie, “Men in Black”, there is a disguised bug that describes humans as “scurrying about, living their short, pointless lives.”

    1. I had forgotten that line in Men in Black. Good point.

  4. Now that I've read more answers about killing bugs, I should go back and change mine--it would depend on what I was doing, whether I would kill the bugs or not.

    1. Let's face it, KG, you're a bug squisher! LOL.

  5. I don't like seeing scam adds any where!

  6. My grandfather and father were exterminators. When I was a little girl (about 4 years old) I thought they killed bugs because I was scared of them. Now they both have died and bugs don't scare me but some people do! Lol.


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