Monday, January 27, 2014

One Broken Horn

One day earlier in the month, I spied two deer resting beneath the cedar tree in the field to the left of our house. I slipped around the corner with my camera.

The buck was facing me. He had a broken horn.
As I stood there, camera clicking away, he closed his eyes. I was able to study him from afar. Notice his scars on his leg and side. I think he was in a big fight with another buck.
Soon his head lolled over and he was off to dreamland. It was probably a well-deserved rest from the looks of him.


  1. I'm glad he got that well-deserved rest in the sun, too. It must have taken great force to break a horn like that.

  2. He sure looks content all curled up in the grasses. Huge damage to his antler. :(

  3. Awww, how sweet. I've been following a photographer from Wisconsin on Facebook, who has been photographing a couple albino deer. Are they ever beautiful. His page is Life in the Northwoods.

  4. Wow, those are great pictures. He's beautiful! You got close to them!


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