Friday, June 22, 2012

The Yellow Rose

This rose is from a bush that we rescued from Grandma's rose garden just before the old homeplace was sold after her death in 2002.

We stole down on a damp Sunday evening, my husband and I, with shovel in hand. We dug up four rose bushes and smuggled them home.

This is the only one that survived; it was the wrong time of year to be making such a transplant. I knew that but we were stung by the sudden sale of the property and had to make a move.

I have a few other roses that grew from cuttings Grandma grew for me, but this rose stands out for me because it was originally hers, and because we "rescued" it.

Her flower garden is no more; it did not take long for it to become a plot of grass.

Stuff changes. But I am glad I have this rose to remind me of Grandma, and the roses she loved.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful memory to go with a gorgeous rose!


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