Saturday, July 23, 2011

On My Mind

Recently, I tried a new Hershey's Air Delight Aerated Milk Chocolate bar. Half of it went into my trash can, if that tells you anything. This is not something I want to eat. Obviously, Hershey's is now trying to mix in air bubbles with chocolate in order to bulk up a product, sell us the very air we breathe, and maximize profits.

Leave this on the shelf, please. Let's not encourage this kind of corporate maneuverings, particularly with something that barely passes as chocolate.


Am I the only person on the planet who wasn't all that thrilled with the last Harry Potter movie?


We read Genesis in my Politics in Literature class, along with a few other parts of the Bible, and I am still left with the question I always have when I read that biblical book. Where did the wife of Cain come from? How can this very important question simply be glossed over for thousands of years?


My brother has lost more than 100 pounds of weight in the last year and a half. He doesn't know it, but he has inspired me.


What is with the fascination with things swamp on History and Discovery? We have Swamp Loggers, Swamp People, and Swamp Brothers. Have you seen any of these shows?


And last, but not least, why do people think emails must be forwarded? This has become such a problem that I refuse to discuss anything of importance by email anymore. I pick up the phone and call. It's a lot less traceable.


  1. A lot of forwarded and re-forwarded email has stopped with me, even though (according to the email) it means I'll have bad luck for breaking the chain, etc.

  2. Oh the e-mail forwarding... ugh. I only forward things of importance to family members and that's it! I get all these stupid e-mails with lists of crap from people I haven't seen since high school, why I adore you, why women are so fabulous, Just plain junk that I delete. Chain garbage. Don't people have real things to say??


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