Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Don't Play Tennis

It has been several months since I mentioned problems with my arm. In September I noted I had received a cortisone shot along with a diagnosis of tennis elbow. I injured my arm in late June when I tore wallpaper from the kitchen wall and painted.

I am sorry to report that the cortisone shot worked for about six weeks. By Thanksgiving my arm was about as bad as it was prior to the shot and now it is even worse than that, if possible. It is swollen today.

Tennis elbow is an overuse injury, and from everything I have read it is exceptionally hard to cure. Upon reading many different websites, I am not surprised the cortisone shot didn't take. The doctor, at the least, should have given me physical therapy that I could have taken while the cortisone was working and perhaps I wouldn't be suffering now. But alas, he did not do that but instead gave me a shot and sent me out the door.

The pain and weakness in my arm makes it difficult to do a number of tasks, like pouring water, holding a cup, squeezing something, attempting to use anything with a spray nozzle, and forget vacuuming. That has become the most painful thing I can do, which is unfortunate because I rather like to use the vacuum.

In any event, I can't take anti-inflammatories well and that leaves ice for swelling and inflammation. I need to rest it so I plan to try to do that this week and see if makes a difference. I think it is a bit soon for another cortisone shot but perhaps I might need a visit to the doctor in the near future.

Anyone else have this issue? How did you cure it, if so?


  1. A physical therapist, such as a myofasciial release specialist, will help more than the cortisone. In the long run, cortisone shots make matters worse. Plus they raise blood sugar levels, too. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Acupuncture? I have been going to acupuncture for a year-and-a-half, and it has radically helped me with chronic migraine and knee injury pain. My injury happened 17 years ago. I had surgery on it, two sequences of physiotheraphy on it (several years apart) - all of which helped, but nothing returned the use of my knee until I had the acupuncture and cupping treatments. This is not to say I don't have any more pain in my knee - I do. But it doesn't give out on me as it has done for those 17 years. And it's not perpetually swollen 24/7 like it used to be.

    Good luck with your elbow.

  3. Believe it or not Sis, Change your posture and position of your keyboard. I have had both carpal tunnel and tennis elbow and by simply changing my arm position on the keyboard made a HUGE difference. Just my 2 cents.


  4. Becky, I will look into that, though I have no idea how to find one in my area. Julia, I have tried acupuncture and for this particular problem it has not been all that useful, though it has helped a great deal with many other issues.
    Bro, I can't figure out what to change on the keyboard and mouse! I have limited space on the desk. I do have to move my arm a ways to the right to use the mouse and have suspected that is the problem. But I can't come up with a fix.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear of your continued pain, Anita. I've never had trouble with my elbow, but I've certainly had pain in other parts of my anatomy and know how much it can restrict your life. I'm afraid I can't offer much advice, as my main source of relief is ibuprofen, which I assume you can't take. But I do send my best wishes and prayers for your healing and recovery.

  6. P.S. I did want to mention that I also have found some relief for joint pain with Glucosamine/Chondroitin. I don't know if it would be effective with tennis elbow, but it does help a bit, I think, with other joint issues. For me, anyway. For what it's worth.


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