Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Podiatrist

The podiatrist took X-rays and informed me I had a heel spur; hence the pain.

She gave me a cortisone shot, a new set of arch inserts for my shoes, and a booty to wear at night.

The booty next to my sneaker.

My toes are about two inches from the top of the thing.

The booty is not fun to wear. It is huge - about three times the size of my foot, it seems - and sleeping in it makes my hips, back and knee ache. I am not sure trading in all of those aches to get my foot to stop hurting is beneficial.

My husband and I also had to switch sides of the bed so my left foot could stick out from under the covers.

The bed this morning looks like something mauled it, as I tossed and turned. I was not able to get comfortable with that thing on my foot. I did keep it on all night but I woke up a lot.

I know this is going to be a problem because I bought a similar device (not this exact one) in early August and attempted to use it for two weeks. Just as this new booty did last night, the other made my other body parts ache.

Growing old is a pain in the ... well, everything!


  1. oh, that is so worse than plantar faciatis! sorry to hear it!

  2. Why didn't they tell us about these things when we had to do jumping jacks in PE or when we thought we were so sophisticated mincing around in our high heels?

    Welcome to the world of the limping (2 bouts of plantar fasciitis, one current heel spur here). I had the cortisone shot with the first bout and swore I'd chain-saw off my foot before undergoing another. I'm currently wearing inserts and stretching my foot by pulling the toes toward me a couple of times a night and whenever I think about it during the day. I had a couple of weeks of therapy wherein my heel was microwaved or something. Helped a little, not much.

    When I asked the therapist what folks did in the old days before physical therapy, his answer was, "They limped."

    Growing old isn't for wimps!


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