Tuesday, September 18, 2007

If Google Were Evil...

I ran across this short story called "Scroogled" which is a fictionalized account of what life may well already be like only we don't know it.... What if Google took over ... where would it all end?

Or check out this fact-filled article on Parade.com:

Is Anything Private Anymore?

Very scary. I am not a fan of cameras and instant information and the government's ability to spy on everyone. I don't think I need my face on a camera because I'm ... being a good law abiding citizen and doing what I'm supposed to do. Whether I do it in Target or in Walmart really isn't anyone's business but my own.

This is so "1984" that I can hardly stand it, and yet, here we are. Nearly there.

I know there are people who think, oh, if you're obeying the law, what difference does it make who is watching... but the problem is you just never know how the person behind the camera is going to construe things.

Scary scary scary. Scroogled indeed.

1 comment:

  1. My mother and I would often have a "conversation" about privacy. I used to work in law enforcement, and when I would share with her an instance when the "bad guy got away with it" because of search and seizure laws, she would get to saying "they can come into my house, I've got nothing to hide". And I would say, "perhaps not yet". Who knows what a seemingly benign thing can become.


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