Sunday, June 03, 2007

Junebugs in Summer

So my husband and I have birthdays this month. His was yesterday.

He spent the day in a seminar at Greenfield. That wasn't fun. I gave him a pair of sneakers and an electric razor. He had just purchased a new tractor and a new cellphone for himself.

We haven't seen each other much since December. First there was the rental property renovations - my mother left me an old house and we had to fix it up after the people who were originally renting from her left it trashed when they moved last fall. My husband spent every spare hour working on that place.

Just as things were settling down, my father-in-law became ill, and my husband's spare time went into running the farm and his father's business, both by himself. My husband is also a professional firefighter, so he's been gone right much.

Add to that the fact that his parents have been needing almost constant attention, a lot of which which is coming from us, and most of that from my husband.

On top of that, I've been busy and am out a lot at nights attending meetings and things for my work. So we've been like two junebugs buzzing around the same rose, never landing long enough to rub feet.

Today was to be our day. We were going to do our darndest to be together and go to the movies.

The phone rang at 8:30 a.m.; the hot water heater in the rental property went phtts. Husband has been over there ever since (it's after 1 p.m. now) and it looks like an afternoon at the movies just ain't gonna happen.

The junebugs continue their dance.


  1. Well, happy birthdays to each of you, anyway.

    My son and I have June birthdays, too.

  2. good luck finding time together. Believe me - I understand the junebug thing well! Have a fab birthday x


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