Monday, April 02, 2007


The trees are turning green.

The hyacinths are blooming

The turkeys are enjoying the greening grass.

The redbuds are in full color.

The dogwoods are showing off their white petticoats.


  1. I love redbuds...I planted three of them but have yet to have them bloom, can't wait. So, are those grape spires called hyacinths? For some reason I thought hyacinths were larger. I have them growing wild everywhere too.

  2. They are called, aptly enough, grape hyacinths, yep. There are lots of varieties of hyacinths.

    Hope your redbuds live. I planted some long ago and they did okay until the 2002 drought. Now they are no more.

  3. The dogwoods look ready to pop. I hope the few seeds I planted won't die in the cold weather coming up.


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