Monday, January 01, 2007

Year of Wonders

Last night I finished reading Year of Wonders, by Geraldine Brooks. This is a book about the bubonic plague in 1666 and the residents of one town who chose, for the most part, to cut itself off the rest of the world.

My book club is reading this book. I would never have chosen it on my own, thinking the subject matter too dreary and depressing. That would have been a mistake, for this is a great book.

The narrator is Anna Frith. She's a servant to the rector and his wife. She comes into her own during this time of crisis and learns a great deal about herself and humanity. Brooks brings us the best and worst of people.

Even though this is set in 1666, I had no trouble seeing the characterizations. During any time of severe strain and trauma, there are heroes, and there are those who would take advantage of the situation. Brooks minces no words, yet there is always hope.

Great writing. Good story. Highly recommended reading.


  1. I've been reading some trash this holidays. Loved it though....

    That book sounds very interesting.

    I was reading a book before Christmas called Terry Jones' Medieval Lives which was making me laugh. It's full of facts like: In about 1200 King John proposed building a hunting lodge near the city of Nottingham... Residents of a nearby village realised this would mean a King's Highway would be built through the village, and this would result in taxes. To avoid this they pretended to be mad (the whole village). It worked as in this period it was believed that madness was contagious. Brilliant!

  2. Sounds like a good book. The Year of Wonders is set in a village in England, Eams, Eyams, something like that. It is based on a true event.

  3. I'll put this book on my list to read, thanks.


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