Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The lives we weave

Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.
-- Chief Seattle

Do you ever wonder if the path you're on is the correct one? Should you be taking another road, a detour, or venturing straight ahead?

Some days I blunder on, somewhat blindly, running straight into the spider's web that others have laid for me. Usually they are invisible traps. You know the kind. A friend asks you to work on a project. You hesitate, then hesitantly agree, with the caveat that you're very busy, might not have time, and this project must not interfere with the relationship. (In my life, the relationship is always most important.)

Of course something came along, and I was unable to fulfill my end of the bargain. And the friend on the other end of the phone was most unhappy.

Trapped. Webbed. Strung.

Some times I walk right through the webs, oblivious. The strings are on me, catching leaves. I find the remains when I disrobe. Oh, I think. There was something there after all. Ever do that? Realize that those strings you thought might be there really are attached?

The webs are lovely to look at. Intricate, involved, nearly invisible until the dew falls upon the delicate strands so that the light of day can illuminate what was always visible.

It is good to see the visible. Ignorance can make you stuck, make you weak, make you vulnerable.

My path today is that of knowledge and the known. I boldy stride across the day, my vision clear, and the spider webs in my mind tame and quiet.


  1. Great shot! Did you take it? I often wonder this: What if I never left Massashusetts? What would my life be like. We make choices when we are young thinging nothing of it, but they lead to the places we are today. My sons think they are Virginians!


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