Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Forest Glen

Here's another shot of light and shadow. I like the painterly effect.

I'm doing a lot of thinking these days and reaching no conclusions. I am trying to figure out what this blog is about. I don't really want to be "political" in it, unless it's just local things maybe having to do with my work, like the FOIA article. But then again, everything is political these days and I'm not sure how one goes about avoiding it.

Should I open another blog for "political" writing? Or keep it all in one place?

Then there is my job. The newspaper work has slowed, and I'm looking for something else to do until the work picks back up. Do I write for magazines? Do I become an infopreneur and learn HTML and other online tricks? Do I go back to my novels and try to finish them?

Or do I just go clean the house?

Decisions, decisions. No wonder instead of thinking I grab the camera and head out to the forest, where the leaves whisper, the crickets the sing, and the animals greet me with a flash of their fannies as they run. How much more peaceful is that than the inside of my brain?


  1. Hi, you sound a lot like me, especially the "what should I do now" part ;) I am a freelance writer too for a newspaper and have been going through some deep questioning I jump to I start that novel, or I clean house? Nah, forget the last one. I couldn't find an e-mail addy for you but would like to chat the pics!

  2. Thanks for the heads up on the email, I didn't realize it was marked "off" in my profile. Fixed that!

    Life is full of decisions, isn't it? Always lots of choices. Yikes.


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