Friday, August 18, 2006

A Corny Day

Suddenly, I have a lot to do. As it happens, the news picked up and there are stories to write. People to call. Leads to track down. Lines to follow, ideas to bounce around.

Chasing stories can be quite invigorating. Tangents can be followed to some logical conclusion, or they may turn out to be useless information. Since I am paid by the article, it's prudent for me to try to keep the time I spend on each article to a specified limit. But I never short-change a story and because of that, I spend far too much time for the money I'm paid. Sometimes I end up figuring it's a public service to get the information out, and shrug it off.

Sometimes I grumble about it, but I do it anyway, for the greater good.

Days when I have lots of articles become challenging, and usually fun. I get out of the house. I see people. I usually come back with more article ideas than when I left. Things are always happening. Life is a constant flow, moving always, and stories are left in its wake.

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